Haryard University
Depariment of Social Ethics
Cleveland's surprisingly generous and imme diate co-operation with the new Federation-
$215,000 pledged by 4,200 persons in the first seven months-has taxed the abilities of so young
an enterprise. The steps already taken are of little present moment to so great a city; their
direction is believed by many to possess immense importance for the city's future, besides
"revolutionizing modern American philanthropy."
The co-operation of all who approve of this
direction is heartily requested.
August 15th.
March 1st.
First Meeting of the Board of Truste es of Fed-
Distinct Financial Improvement of federated or-
ganizations shown on August 1st over October 1st,
March 18th.
August 29th.
"The Social Year Book" proposed by Committee
on Relations to the Public for appearance in No-
vember, 1913. "Constructive and educational-to
contain statistical and financial reports of all 53
institutions with discussions of city's chief welfare
problems, showing work done and o
"Auxiliary Committee" organized, consisting of
one representative from each constituent institu-
tion, with its executive or "Group Committee."
Close co-operation with Trustees established.
May 19th.
"National Advisory Council" created, comprising
country's noted sociological and economic experts.
ary Committee, a
Committee appointed.
June 2nd to 9th.
Canvass for Givers-made by 300 volunteers-
3,300 givers, including 2,000 not on any
August 28th.
cost. lecturers on social tonics to clubs. societies
etc., established by Committee on Research and
Publicity. Committee reports securing each week
since May 1st, one full page of newspaper publicity
regarding federated activities and city's social prob-
owing location of Federation sub-
of Social Interests"
donors-lists of 50 institutions for 1912.
June 26th.
"Blue Book" of Federation donors issued to or-
ganizations. To be issued generally in October,
showing 4,200 persons and corporations subscribing
ted ne-fourth placed at the discretion of
scribers completed.
the Federation Board.
September 10th.
July 10th.
Economy thru Co-operation in Purchasing made
Expert Ser consulting enginee b
E study by sub-committee.
federated organizations. Expert services on other
lines now being sought in interest of economy and
August 4th.
Study Conferences
planned by the Committee on Institutional Effi-
ciency. Interested institutions invited to discuss
together the problems of the wayward girl and of
employment or training for cripples.
Community Problems
"Federation Dollar Dinner" in January suggested
for subscribers. Nation-known speakers on welfare
and moving pictures of federated activities pro-
A study of Federation statistics shows that, as a result of these activities, fully 55% more
money has been given and 300 % wider choice of institutions made by 4,200 federated givers than
by the same persons last year. Federated organizations generally report "larger gifts from regu-
lar givers and many new givers."
Federated institutions on September 10th voted to ask their regular don ors to adopt feder-
ated subscription blank in order to secure the enumerated gains and also to permit greater efforts to
secure new givers.