"The Biggest Step in the History
of Cities
By applying the team principle to the task of help-
ing the other fellow, fifty-four of the city's biggest
charitable organizations, banded together in the
Cleveland Federation for Charity and Philanthropy,
are doing a work which has never been approached
in any other city of the country, and which has
been termed "the biggest step in the history of
They are making giving easier, more effi
cient, and more economical than ever it has been
Here are some of the things this team work means:
warm hearts beating with sympathy for the folks
who haven't had the same chance in life that you
have had, and willing hands stretched out to help
them; aid and comfort for the babies and little
children, blind, crippled, sick, and orphaned, and for
the grown men and women who are sick or hurt by
accidents; loving care for the old people who have
no children to love them or give them homes; and a
living chance for the people of all ages who are
willing to help themselves, but have not the oppor-
tunity nor the training.
This work is helping make Cleveland the best place
in the country in which to live, to work, and to play;
a community happier and sweeter for all its citizens.
Already 4,200 of Cleveland's most progressive and
social-seeing citizens have lined up under the Fed-
eration banner. They have in very truth taken "the
biggest step in the history of cities."
in the ranks of this welfare-army?
Are you also