This institution was opened by the Sisters of
Mercy on January 6,1902, and is under the direct super-
vision of Sister Ursula as Sister Superior, with three
sisters and four nurses to assist her
It is situated on Amherst Street, Manehester,
in connection with the Hospital of the Sacred Heart,and
has accommodations for fifty babies in three wards, one
for the wee ones just born, for it receives some less
than one day old. one for the year-old babies; and one
for the older ones.
three it is transferred to a home or orphanage. The
institution at the present time is caring for forty
little ones, for one-third of whom rnothing is paid. The
regular charge for those who can pay is two dollars per
week, but Sister Ursula absolutely refuses to make it
an infants' boarding-house, and will not receive any
babies whose parents are living. She has refused to ad
mit nearly one hundred such cases since the Asylum was
opened. She does not admit the children of deserted
wives either,except in extreme cases, because she thinks
the thought of the child is often an incentive to a man
to return to his home,and thus the permanent breaking up
of the family is prevented.
When a child reaches the age of
Of this institution one cannot epeak in terms
In the first place the work it does
of too high praise
is unique in the State, for it is the only infant asy-
lum we have. Heretofore it has been so difficult to find
places for these helpless little ones that it would be a
blessing to have the Home even if it were not so well
managed as it is, but in it we seem to have an almost
perfeet infant asylum. Every sanitary and hygienie pre-
caution is taken,every appliance for comfort and health
is provided, the most spotless cleanliness pmrevails.and
the place is full of an atmosphere of conscientious
loving devotion to the litt le ones.