A condensed report of the 69th annual
meeting, which was held yesterday, Jan.
17, at the home of Mrs. Charles F.Ayer-
able to atwaich we wish you had been
considering a new name which will better express what it is trying to do for
children and young people through "intelligent benevolence."
T has entered the new year with 139 children in its care, in the homes of 65 foster
mothers. There, by our standard, they will receive the affectionate, intelligent
attention you would wish your child to receive were it left in similar circumstances.
OUR society enters the year with a smaller deficit than that of 1925 or 1924. It
is smaller because the society has been compelled to turn away from cases of
need, because of lack of funds.
N spite of this shortage our task has been increased this year. The society, while
continuing its close co-operation with other child-relief agencies of the State,
has affiliated with the National Council of the Church Mission of Help, thereby
obligating itself to befriend unfortunate girls who have led exposed lives.
By the Clerk's Report:
The Committee on Policy, after months of study, recommend that the work we are doing
for Episcopal children should not be abandoned in favor
something different which could be
dalin ur care to 200; to make
mothers, an integral part of our program as the official representative in the Diocese of the
Church Mission of Help-work which is not being done to any extent by any other agency here.
done at less expense; instead, to increase the number
The by-laws committee recommends changing the by-laws to provide for a lay president
and for Bishop Slattery becoming an honorary president of the Society.
An extended study of foster homes of the State has strengthened our policy of interviews
and personal inspections taking precedence over written evidence-this procedure reducing expense
to a minimum by ascertaining before, rather than after, all the facts about a home, no matter how
highly recommended for our children.
The Board of Managers' and sub-committees' interest is attested by 70 meetings during
the year.
By the Treasurer's report:
which $28,239.95 was expended for
board and clothing. $17,000 came from the Department of Social Service, Diocesan Council.
$14,194.25 came from income from investments. $15,918.63 came from reimbursement by
$12,546.13 from subscriptions and donations. $3,086.58 came from
A total expenditure of $65,716.68 for the year,
parents and friends.
miscellaneous sources. The deficit, met by transfer from capital, was $2,971.09.