Human Generated Data


Social Settlements: Canada. Montreal. University Settlement: University Settlement, Montreal


c. 1903


Artist: Unidentified Artist,



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Social Museum Collection, 3.2002.2637.2

Human Generated Data


Social Settlements: Canada. Montreal. University Settlement: University Settlement, Montreal


Artist: Unidentified Artist,


c. 1903



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Social Museum Collection, 3.2002.2637.2

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-06-04

Person 97.3
Human 97.3
Person 97.2
Person 96.7
Person 96.7
Person 96.3
Person 95.9
Person 92.3
Person 92.2
Person 91.8
Person 90.8
Person 90
Person 86.5
Person 86.2
Person 85.9
People 82.3
Shorts 75.9
Apparel 75.9
Clothing 75.9
Person 74.6
Person 73.3
Person 73.2
Outdoors 73
Indoors 71.7
Room 71.7
Animal 69.4
Bird 69.4
Person 67.3
Crowd 66.3
Housing 63.2
Building 63.2
Water 63.1
Urban 61.3
Person 58.6
Person 53.7
Person 47.6
Person 44.7

created on 2019-06-04

people 100
many 99.9
group together 99.4
group 99.3
adult 97.3
man 94.6
crowd 93
several 88.7
wear 88.7
ceremony 83.6
woman 83.4
military 82.8
leader 79.5
administration 78.8
uniform 70
child 68.8
soldier 68.4
outfit 68.3
dancing 66.6
music 66

created on 2019-06-04

architecture 24.3
building 20.3
sculpture 18.4
travel 18.3
violin 18.1
art 17.4
old 17.4
tourism 17.3
house 16.6
bowed stringed instrument 16.4
monument 15.9
city 15.8
statue 15.3
stringed instrument 14.5
landmark 13.5
teacher 13.4
night 13.3
culture 12.8
musical instrument 12.7
balcony 12.2
church 12
wall 12
fountain 11.9
hall 11.8
religion 11.6
history 11.6
light 11.4
home 11.2
column 11
room 11
educator 11
stone 11
tourist 10.9
window 10.5
life 10.5
decoration 10.4
dancer 10.4
historical 10.3
conch 9.7
ancient 9.5
water 9.3
famous 9.3
street 9.2
table 9.1
chandelier 9
structure 8.9
performer 8.8
interior 8.8
arch 8.8
scene 8.6
people 8.4
traditional 8.3
historic 8.2
ornate 8.2
outdoors 8.2
antique 8.1
palace 8.1
person 8.1
chair 8
design 7.9
professional 7.9
gastropod 7.8
marble 7.8
color 7.8
luxury 7.7
flower 7.7
god 7.6
wood 7.5
classroom 7.4
exterior 7.4
facade 7.3
painting 7.2
holiday 7.2

created on 2019-06-04

Photograph 97.1
People 93.1
Snapshot 88.3
Room 65.7
Photography 62.4
Black-and-white 56.4
Vintage clothing 54.7
Monochrome 54.4
Family 54.3
History 54.1
State school 53.8
Child 52
Crowd 50.7

created on 2019-06-04

person 97.8
old 91.1
clothing 85
black 78.1

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.1%
Sad 50.1%
Happy 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Calm 49.5%
Angry 49.8%
Confused 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 6-13
Gender Female, 50.4%
Disgusted 49.5%
Happy 49.7%
Confused 49.5%
Sad 49.9%
Angry 49.6%
Surprised 49.6%
Calm 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 38-59
Gender Female, 50%
Calm 49.8%
Disgusted 49.6%
Confused 49.5%
Happy 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Sad 49.9%

AWS Rekognition

Age 12-22
Gender Female, 50.1%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 49.5%
Surprised 49.6%
Calm 50.1%
Confused 49.5%
Sad 49.6%
Disgusted 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.3%
Calm 49.9%
Sad 49.8%
Happy 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Disgusted 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 1-5
Gender Female, 50.5%
Angry 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Calm 49.5%
Sad 50.3%
Confused 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Female, 50.4%
Sad 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Calm 49.9%
Confused 49.6%
Happy 49.7%
Surprised 49.6%
Disgusted 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 51.3%
Sad 47.6%
Calm 46.9%
Disgusted 45.3%
Happy 48.4%
Confused 45.5%
Angry 45.7%
Surprised 45.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 23-38
Gender Female, 50.5%
Confused 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Angry 49.5%
Sad 50.4%
Calm 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Female, 50.4%
Angry 49.6%
Calm 49.6%
Sad 49.6%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 49.9%
Happy 49.8%
Surprised 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 50.1%
Sad 50.1%
Disgusted 49.5%
Surprised 49.6%
Happy 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Calm 49.7%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.2%
Confused 49.5%
Sad 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Disgusted 49.5%
Calm 49.9%
Surprised 49.6%
Happy 49.7%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.5%
Disgusted 49.6%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.8%
Calm 49.7%
Surprised 49.6%
Happy 49.6%
Sad 49.7%

Feature analysis


Person 97.3%
Person 97.2%
Person 96.7%
Person 96.7%
Person 96.3%
Person 95.9%
Person 92.3%
Person 92.2%
Person 91.8%
Person 90.8%
Person 90%
Person 86.5%
Person 86.2%
Person 85.9%
Person 74.6%
Person 73.3%
Person 73.2%
Person 67.3%
Person 58.6%
Person 53.7%
Person 47.6%
Person 44.7%
Bird 69.4%



interior objects 99.9%