Commonwcalth of Massachusctts.
[CHAP. 75, REVISED LAWS, 1902.]
bakeries shall be properly drained and plumbed. They shall be provided with a proper wash room and
water closets, having ventilation apart from the bake room or rooms where food products are manufac-
tured; and no water closet, earth closet, privy or ash pit shall be within or communicate directly with
the bake room of any bakery.
All buildings which are occupied as biscuit, bread or cake
Every room which is used for the manufacture of flour
or meal food products shall, if required by the Board of Health, have an impermeable floor constructed
of cement or of tiles laid in cement, and an additional floor of wood properly saturated with linseed oil.
The walls and ceiling of such room shall be plastered or wainscoted, and, if required by the Board of
Health, shall be whitewashed at least once in three months. The furniture and utensils therein shall
be so arranged that they and the floor may at all times be kept clean and in good sanitary condition.
SECTION 30. The sleeping places for persons who are employed in a
bakery shall be separate from the rooms in which flour or meal food products are manufactured or
SECTION 31. The manufactured flour or meal food products shall be
kept in perfectly dry and airy rooms, so arranged that the floors, shelves and all other facilities for
storing the same can be easily and perfectly cleaned.
SECTION 32. The owner, agent or lessee of any property affected by
the provisions of Sections Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine shall, within sixty days after service of notice
requiring any alterations to be made in such property, comply therewith. Such notice shall be in writ-
ing, and may be served upon such owner, agent or lessee personally or by mail directed to his last known
Whoever violates the provisions of the five preceding
sections, or refuses to comply with any requirement of the Board of Health authorized therein, shall,
for the first offense, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars; for the
second offense, by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment
for not more than ten days; for the third offense, by a fine of not less than two hundred and flfty
dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or by both such fine or imprisonment.
SECTION 34. The Board of Health of a city or town in which a bakery
is situated, or in which the business regulated by the six preceding sections is carried on, shall cause
the provisions of said sections to be enforced and shall cause copies thereof to be printed and posted in
all such bakeries and places of business.
Printed and Posted by order of Board of Health.