In the eyes of its neighbors who know it, the house
stands as an active agent for citizenship, for naturalization, civ-
ic information, protest against local municipal wrong doing--all
these things in co nnection with the usual per sonal and social ser-
vice of a settlement--and the house aims particularly to be the
medium for expression on the part of various neighbor nationalities
of their civic interests.
The many mass meetings and public
meetings in the co urse of a winter prove the need of such a medium.
Number 0f residents)
women, 5
Number of werkers, exclusive of the residents, 30
Total enre Iment ef clubs and classes, 450
300 differ ent adults use the house weekly
1,000 people are touched by the house in the ceurse f a
Estimated percentage of each of the principal nationali-
ties repr esented by this larger constituency
Russian and Pole,45%
Italians, 35%, Irish, Greek,
Native American, 10%.
Balance: German, Roumanina, English, Austrian, Oriental,