Human Generated Data


Old Father William Balancing an Eel, from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"


c. 1901


Artist: Peter Sheaf Hersey Newell, American 1862 - 1924



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Philip Hofer, 1929.41.2

Human Generated Data


Old Father William Balancing an Eel, from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"


Artist: Peter Sheaf Hersey Newell, American 1862 - 1924


c. 1901



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Philip Hofer, 1929.41.2

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-05-30

Human 99.4
Person 99.4
Person 98.6
Art 85.2
Painting 85.2
Duel 80.8
Drawing 79
Clothing 78.3
Apparel 78.3
Outdoors 76
Water 67.9
Fishing 63.9
Leisure Activities 63.9
Angler 63.9
Advertisement 57

created on 2019-05-30

art 98.3
illustration 97.6
man 97.4
people 96.9
painting 93.3
artistic 92.5
adult 92.5
wear 92.1
woman 89.2
retro 87.8
fantasy 87.1
one 86.7
vintage 85.1
old 81.4
portrait 81.3
print 80.4
two 78.8
visuals 75.9
face 75.5
lid 74.9

created on 2019-05-30

man 26.2
silhouette 25.6
shield 25.6
sport 23.7
male 22.7
armor 22.5
art 20.4
people 19.5
person 19
sword 18.1
competition 16.5
game 16
player 15.7
weapon 15.6
protective covering 15.5
covering 15
athlete 14.8
statue 14
action 13.9
ball 13.5
black 13.2
warrior 12.7
activity 12.5
football 12.5
mask 12.1
men 12
helmet 12
adult 11.7
fun 11.2
training 11.1
figure 10.9
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soccer 10.6
play 10.3
sculpture 10.3
costume 10.3
dance 9.9
fitness 9.9
recreation 9.9
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championship 9.7
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kick 7.8
portrait 7.8
match 7.7
dancing 7.7
motion 7.7
culture 7.7
jump 7.7
medieval 7.7
athletic 7.7
two 7.6
human 7.5
lifestyle 7.2

created on 2019-05-30

created on 2019-05-30

text 99.7
drawing 98.3
sketch 97.7
cartoon 97.5
book 95.2
painting 80.1
illustration 55.3
posing 46.4

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Female, 82.1%
Disgusted 5.7%
Surprised 7.2%
Angry 4.7%
Happy 67.2%
Calm 1.1%
Sad 12%
Confused 1.9%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Male, 61.4%
Disgusted 10.4%
Calm 5.9%
Sad 2.7%
Surprised 53.9%
Angry 20%
Happy 1.3%
Confused 5.8%

Feature analysis


Person 99.4%
Painting 85.2%



paintings art 100%


Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-27

The image features two figures in a vintage outdoor setting. The prominent one, appearing vexed or startled, has a lifted arm as if gesturing in surprise. Their attire is classical, encompassing a waistcoat, long coat, and knee-high boots with buckles. A top hat is dislodged, implying sudden movement or disruption. The figure's other hand seems slightly extended outward, as if trying to maintain balance or fend off something. The background is sketched in a muted palette, suggesting a pastoral landscape. There is an object resembling a fishing line or whip that arcs through the air, contributing to the image's dynamic feel. The illustration bears the name "Peter Newell," likely referencing the artist.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image appears to depict two comical, exaggerated characters in an outdoor setting. One figure is an older, portly man wearing a coat, hat, and boots, making an exaggerated gesture with one hand raised. The other figure is a younger, equally exaggerated person, possibly a child or young adult, with a surprised expression and a tall, thin physique. The background suggests a naturalistic, wooded setting. The style of the artwork is whimsical and caricature-like, giving the scene an imaginative, fantastical quality.

Text analysis



