Human Generated Data


The Calling of St. Matthew, after Carpaccio




Artist: George Hawley Hallowell, American 1871-1926

Artist after: Vittore Carpaccio, Italian 1460 - 1526



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, William M. Prichard Fund, 1927.296

Human Generated Data


The Calling of St. Matthew, after Carpaccio


Artist: George Hawley Hallowell, American 1871-1926

Artist after: Vittore Carpaccio, Italian 1460 - 1526





Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, William M. Prichard Fund, 1927.296

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-05-30

Human 98.9
Person 98.9
Person 98.8
Person 98.5
Art 98
Painting 97
Person 82.8
Person 74.9
Person 60.9

created on 2019-05-30

people 99.8
painting 99.1
adult 98.4
art 98.3
religion 98.2
group 98
gown (clothing) 96.9
woman 96.9
print 94.7
man 94.6
veil 94.2
wear 93.6
Renaissance 92
saint 91.6
illustration 89.3
Mary 88.1
leader 86.4
cross 85.8
kneeling 85.8
lithograph 84.9

created on 2019-05-30

metropolitan 56.8
church 37.9
religion 37.6
architecture 32.5
cathedral 31.1
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old 25.8
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prayer 14.5
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entrance 10.6
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chair 9
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chair of state 8.6
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catholicism 7.9
praying 7.8
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architectural 7.7
mosaic 7.7
pattern 7.5
decorative 7.5
east 7.5
facade 7.4
tower 7.2
seat 7.1
monastery 7.1

created on 2019-05-30

created on 2019-05-30

building 99.8
painting 96.4
person 74.3
clothing 69
drawing 65
church 64.5
old 41.7

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 38-59
Gender Male, 54.7%
Calm 46.8%
Disgusted 46.7%
Confused 45.7%
Surprised 45.9%
Happy 48.1%
Sad 45.9%
Angry 46%

AWS Rekognition

Age 4-9
Gender Male, 54.7%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 45.1%
Surprised 45.2%
Sad 46.5%
Angry 45.5%
Confused 45.3%
Calm 52.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 4-9
Gender Female, 53.7%
Happy 45.3%
Sad 46.6%
Surprised 45.4%
Confused 45.2%
Disgusted 48.8%
Calm 48.4%
Angry 45.3%

AWS Rekognition

Age 57-77
Gender Female, 50.7%
Angry 45.4%
Happy 45.4%
Confused 45.3%
Sad 52.2%
Calm 46.2%
Surprised 45.2%
Disgusted 45.3%

AWS Rekognition

Age 48-68
Gender Male, 54.1%
Happy 45.9%
Surprised 45.9%
Calm 47.7%
Sad 47.7%
Disgusted 45.7%
Angry 46.2%
Confused 46%

Feature analysis


Person 98.9%
Painting 97%



Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-02-07

This image seems to depict a historical scene set in an architectural space suggestive of the Italian Renaissance period. A group of individuals is shown dressed in ornate robes, suggesting a status of nobility or importance. The architecture includes elements such as a tower, arched entranceway, and buildings with multiple stories, typical of European townscapes in historical contexts. The palette of the image uses mostly earth tones, with pops of reds and golds accentuating clothing details, possibly signifying wealth and status as well.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image depicts a scene from what appears to be a medieval or Renaissance-era town. In the foreground, there is a group of people dressed in elaborate, colorful clothing, suggesting they may be members of a noble or wealthy class. The figures are gathered around a table or podium, engaged in what seems to be a formal interaction or ceremony. Behind them, the buildings in the background feature architectural elements typical of that historical period, such as arched doorways, towers, and decorated facades. The overall scene conveys a sense of a lively, bustling urban environment from a bygone era.