Human Generated Data


John Winthrop, the Younger (1606-1676)


17th century


Artist: Unidentified Artist,

Sitter: John Winthrop the Younger, 1606 - 1676



Credit Line

Harvard University Portrait Collection, Gift of Robert Winthrop, representing the Winthrop family, to Harvard University, 1964, H601

Human Generated Data


John Winthrop, the Younger (1606-1676)


Artist: Unidentified Artist,

Sitter: John Winthrop the Younger, 1606 - 1676


17th century



Credit Line

Harvard University Portrait Collection, Gift of Robert Winthrop, representing the Winthrop family, to Harvard University, 1964, H601

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-04-03

Painting 98.2
Art 98.2
Person 80.2
Human 80.2

created on 2018-03-23

people 99.9
adult 99.6
one 99.5
portrait 99
man 96.9
woman 96
veil 95.8
wear 95.4
print 94.3
illustration 93.8
art 91.6
religion 90
leader 89.8
painting 89.2
lid 82.7
face 82.1
group 81.9
facial expression 80.7
side view 80.5
engraving 80.3

created on 2018-03-23

shield 41.4
armor 33.7
metropolitan 31.2
money 27.2
currency 26
protective covering 25.5
phonograph record 23.9
coin 22.9
object 22.7
coins 21.2
finance 20.3
cash 20.1
pay 18.2
bank 17.9
covering 17.8
close 17.7
banking 17.5
black 16.9
old 16.7
retro 16.4
vintage 16.2
collection 15.3
historical 15
collect 14.7
disk 14.2
circle 13.3
metal 12.9
puck 11.7
round 11.2
music 9
sound 8.5
symbol 8.1
numismatics 7.9
disc 7.8
rust 7.7
equipment 7.6
one 7.5
dollar 7.4
single 7.4

created on 2018-03-23

portrait 87.8
gentleman 60.4

Color Analysis

Face analysis




AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Male, 80%
Calm 11.1%
Angry 4.2%
Disgusted 6.5%
Sad 61.1%
Confused 3.9%
Surprised 7%
Happy 6.2%

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Age 55
Gender Male

Google Vision

Surprise Very unlikely
Anger Very unlikely
Sorrow Very unlikely
Joy Very unlikely
Headwear Very unlikely
Blurred Very unlikely

Feature analysis


Painting 98.2%
Person 80.2%


created on 2018-03-23

an old photo of a person 48.5%
a person in a black shirt 48.4%
a close up of a person 48.3%

Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-24

This image features a figure dressed in a dark, brown garment with a high, stiff collar that appears to be light in color. The attire suggests a style that could be from a historical period. The background is completely dark, enhancing the focus on the clothing. The portrait is oval in shape.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image appears to be a portrait painting of a man wearing a dark, formal outfit with a white collar. The man has a serious expression on his face and is looking directly at the viewer. The painting has a dark, somber background, which emphasizes the subject's features. The overall style and composition suggest this is a portrait from a historical or classical period.