Human Generated Data


The See-Saw


c. 1786


Artist: Hubert Robert, French 1733 - 1808



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Charles E. Dunlap, 1956.250

Human Generated Data


The See-Saw


Artist: Hubert Robert, French 1733 - 1808


c. 1786



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Charles E. Dunlap, 1956.250

Machine Generated Data


created on 2020-04-25

Art 99.5
Painting 99.5
Human 71.4
Person 71.4
Archaeology 65.8
Sculpture 61.7
Statue 60.9
Person 60.8
Building 60.1
Architecture 60.1

created on 2020-04-25

art 98.3
travel 97.4
ancient 96.1
people 94.9
architecture 93.7
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sky 91.8
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statue 88.6
monument 87.9
antique 87.4
outdoors 86.9
temple 86.3
tower 85.7
building 85.2
adult 83.6

created on 2020-04-25

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buildings 7.6
symbol 7.4
detail 7.2

created on 2020-04-25

created on 2020-04-25

painting 95.8
drawing 94.2
outdoor 91.5
sketch 81
text 75.3
art 74.1
illustration 57.4
building 51
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Color Analysis

Feature analysis


Painting 99.5%
Person 71.4%



Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-26

The image depicts an artistic representation of a classical scene with ruins. In the foreground, there is a collection of broken columns, statuary, and stone blocks strewn across the ground. A lone, intact column stands tall on the right side, towering above the ruins. Adjacent to this column, at the base, rests a partially destroyed statue with an inscription visible on its pedestal. To the left, a large, broken statue of a man is mounted on a high pedestal. Two individuals appear to be interacting with the ruins: one person is lounging at the base of an inclined pillar that the other individual is using as a makeshift slide. In the mid-ground, behind the ruins, there's a classical Greek-style temple with columns, and further back, there appears to be a glimpse of a cityscape with buildings, among them a structure with a large dome, reminiscent of renaissance or neoclassical architecture. The sky is filled with clouds, illuminated from behind with light that suggests either dawn or dusk, casting a soft light over the entire scene. The artwork captures both the grandeur of the classical past and a sense of playfulness in the way the figures interact with the remnants of history.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

This image depicts a fantastical and allegorical scene of classical antiquity. In the foreground, there are several figures, including what appears to be a nude male figure and another figure lying on the ground. In the background, there is a tall, ornate column or tower structure, which seems to be the focal point of the scene. The background also includes architectural elements, such as buildings and domes, suggesting a cityscape. The overall scene has a dreamlike, surreal quality, with an emphasis on classical and mythological imagery.

Text analysis

