Machine Generated Data
created on 2019-11-06
created on 2019-11-06
decoration | 98.9 | |
| ||
architecture | 98.3 | |
| ||
art | 97.6 | |
| ||
vector | 97.4 | |
| ||
design | 97.3 | |
| ||
ornate | 96.7 | |
| ||
picture frame | 96.5 | |
| ||
building | 96.5 | |
| ||
illustration | 96.4 | |
| ||
culture | 95.5 | |
| ||
style | 95 | |
| ||
pattern | 95 | |
| ||
classic | 94.7 | |
| ||
retro | 93.9 | |
| ||
antique | 93.4 | |
| ||
vintage | 92.8 | |
| ||
desktop | 92.8 | |
| ||
old | 90.4 | |
| ||
monument | 90.3 | |
| ||
wall | 90.2 | |
created on 2019-11-06
created on 2019-11-06
created on 2019-11-06
drawing | 99.2 | |
| ||
sketch | 98.4 | |
| ||
art | 91.6 | |
| ||
text | 88.6 | |
| ||
illustration | 76.3 | |
Color Analysis
Face analysis

AWS Rekognition
Age | 7-17 |
Gender | Female, 50.4% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 50% |
Calm | 49.9% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-37 |
Gender | Male, 50.1% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.7% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Calm | 49.7% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-35 |
Gender | Male, 50% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 19-31 |
Gender | Male, 50.2% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.7% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.8% |
Fear | 49.7% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 20-32 |
Gender | Male, 50.1% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.7% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 50.2% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 18-30 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.7% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.6% |
Angry | 50% |
Sad | 49.7% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 26-40 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 30-46 |
Gender | Male, 50.2% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 50.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 19-31 |
Gender | Male, 50% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.4% |
Sad | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Female, 50% |
Calm | 50.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 39-57 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Calm | 50.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.7% |
Fear | 49.7% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.6% |
Sad | 49.8% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 24-38 |
Gender | Female, 50.3% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Female, 50.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.8% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 24-38 |
Gender | Female, 50.4% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-37 |
Gender | Female, 50% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.8% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Calm | 50% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 36-54 |
Gender | Female, 50.5% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Calm | 50% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.8% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 24-38 |
Gender | Female, 50.3% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.9% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 19-31 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 16-28 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.9% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 48-66 |
Gender | Female, 50.3% |
Angry | 49.8% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.8% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 47-65 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 26-42 |
Gender | Female, 50.4% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 33-49 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 43-61 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 6-16 |
Gender | Female, 50.3% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-37 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Angry | 50% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.8% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 33-49 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Surprised | 50.3% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 38-56 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Fear | 50.3% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 17-29 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Confused | 50.1% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 51-69 |
Gender | Male, 50.2% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.3% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 32-48 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.7% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-37 |
Gender | Female, 50.4% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.8% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 34-50 |
Gender | Female, 50.1% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Angry | 49.7% |
Fear | 49.8% |
Surprised | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.7% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.6% |
Feature analysis

Rug | 97.2% | |
streetview architecture | 44.9% | |
| ||
text visuals | 29.9% | |
| ||
paintings art | 24% | |
created on 2019-11-06
a close up of a door | 55.8% | |
| ||
close up of a door | 49% | |
| ||
a close up of a door next to it | 36.5% | |
Created by gpt-4 on 2025-02-02
This is an image of a detailed line engraving. Centered in an architectural setting that features grand arches, columns, and a spacious hall, the scene depicts numerous figures in classical attire. At the forefront, two central figures appear to be in conversation. One is standing on an elevated platform suggesting a position of authority, potentially a throne, while the other figure, possibly a visitor or dignitary, approaches this presumed figure of authority. Around these two main figures, there are various groups of people engaged in discussion, observation, or waiting their turn for an audience. The style of dress and context hint at a scene from antiquity or biblical times. The congregation of people includes men, women, and children, as well as a dog in the lower-left foreground. The text beneath the artwork, "LA REGINA SABA VISITA SALOMONE," indicates that this engraving represents the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, a story from biblical lore known for the exchange of wisdom and gifts. The image has a number, "14," in the upper right corner, which could likely mean it is part of a series or collection of engravings. The artist's names are inscribed on the bottom: "Parmigianino inuentor" refers to the original artist who conceptualized the image, and "Gio. Giacomo Caraglio incis." indicates the engraver, Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio, who transferred the design to the engraving plate.
Created by gpt-4o-2024-05-13 on 2025-02-02
The image is a detailed line drawing depicting the Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon. The scene is set within a grand architectural space characterized by large arches, columns, and a high ceiling, reflecting a sense of majesty and grandeur. At the center of the composition, the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon stand facing each other on a raised platform, engaged in conversation. Both figures are drawn with careful attention to their regal attire—robes and crowns. Surrounding them are numerous onlookers, forming a semi-circle around the central pair. These figures are depicted with various expressive gestures, indicating the significance of the event. To the left and right, groups of people, possibly courtiers or attendants, are engaged in animated discussions or looking towards the central figures. Some of these figures appear in distinguished armor and clothing, suggesting high status or military roles. In the background, more architectural elements and smaller spaces can be seen, adding depth to the overall scene. There are also several smaller figures visible in these areas, contributing to the sense of a bustling, populated palace. The lower section of the image includes a caption written in Italian, which translates to "The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon." The drawing's meticulous detail and composition emphasize the historical and cultural significance of the meeting between these two illustrious figures.
Anthropic Claude
Created by claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022 on 2025-02-02
This is a line drawing or engraving depicting the biblical scene of the Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon. The scene is set in an elaborate architectural setting with Gothic-style arches, columns, and vaulted ceilings. In the center of the composition, two main figures stand on elevated steps - presumably the Queen and Solomon - surrounded by a large crowd of attendants, courtiers, and guards. The crowd includes people in various styles of dress from the period, some in robes and others in more military attire. There are also animals visible in the scene, including what appear to be horses. The architectural details are quite fine, showing careful attention to perspective and structural elements. The title at the bottom of the print reads "LA REGINA SABA VISITA SALOMONE" (The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon). The overall composition is symmetrical and formal, befitting the grandeur of this historical meeting between two monarchs.
Created by claude-3-opus-20240229 on 2025-02-02
This image depicts a detailed architectural drawing or engraving of what appears to be the interior of a grand church or cathedral. The central focus is a raised platform with steps leading up to it, likely representing the altar area. A figure in flowing robes stands at the center, possibly delivering a sermon or conducting a religious ceremony. The interior space has high ceilings supported by ornate columns and arches, typical of classical or Renaissance architecture. Crowds of people fill the hall, with groups standing and observing the central event. The attendees are dressed in historical attire, suggesting this scene represents a significant occasion from the past. The fine linework and shading give the illustration an artistic, hand-drawn quality. Text below the image labels it "La Regina Saba Visita Salomone", which translates to "The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon" - a biblical story of the queen's visit to King Solomon's court. Overall, the detailed engraving captures the grandeur and importance of this momentous meeting in an impressive cathedral setting.
Created by claude-3-haiku-20240307 on 2025-02-02
The image appears to depict a grand interior architectural scene, with a central figure, possibly a religious or royal figure, being presented or honored in front of a large crowd of people. The scene is filled with intricate architectural details, including arched ceilings, columns, and various figures and groups of people. The overall style and composition suggest this is a historical or religious illustration of some kind, though I cannot identify any specific individuals shown.
Meta Llama
Created by us.meta.llama3-2-11b-instruct-v1:0 on 2025-03-15
The image depicts a black-and-white drawing of a scene from the Bible, specifically the visit of Salome to Herod Antipas. The scene is set in a grand, ornate building with arches and columns, and features a large crowd of people gathered around the central figures. * **Central Figures:** * Salome is depicted standing in the center of the image, wearing a long robe and a veil over her head. * Herod Antipas is shown standing opposite Salome, also wearing a robe and a crown. * The two figures are surrounded by a group of attendants and guards, who are dressed in similar attire. * **Background:** * The background of the image features a large, ornate building with arches and columns. * The building appears to be a palace or a temple, and is decorated with intricate carvings and statues. * **Crowd:** * A large crowd of people is gathered around the central figures, watching the scene unfold. * The crowd is made up of men, women, and children, all dressed in traditional clothing. * Some members of the crowd are shown looking on in awe, while others appear to be arguing or discussing the scene. * **Overall:** * The image is a detailed and intricate drawing that captures the drama and tension of the scene. * The use of black and white creates a sense of contrast and highlights the key elements of the scene. * The image is likely a reproduction of a famous artwork or a depiction of a biblical event. The image is a detailed and intricate drawing that captures the drama and tension of the scene. The use of black and white creates a sense of contrast and highlights the key elements of the scene. The image is likely a reproduction of a famous artwork or a depiction of a biblical event.
Created by us.meta.llama3-2-90b-instruct-v1:0 on 2025-03-15
The image is a drawing of a scene from the Bible, specifically the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. The drawing is done in black and white and features a large crowd of people gathered around the queen and king. **Key Elements:** * **Queen of Sheba:** The queen is depicted as a tall, regal figure with a crown on her head. She is wearing a long robe and has a scepter in her hand. * **King Solomon:** King Solomon is shown standing next to the queen, also wearing a long robe and a crown. He has a beard and is holding a staff in his hand. * **Crowd:** The crowd is made up of men and women, all dressed in ancient clothing. They are gathered around the queen and king, looking at them with interest. * **Background:** The background of the drawing is a simple line drawing of a building, possibly a palace or temple. There are arches and columns visible, giving the impression of a grand and impressive structure. **Overall Impression:** The drawing gives the impression of a formal and important event, with the queen and king being the central figures. The crowd is gathered around them, showing respect and admiration. The background adds to the sense of grandeur and importance, suggesting that this is a significant moment in history. **Conclusion:** In conclusion, the image is a detailed and intricate drawing of a biblical scene, showcasing the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. The drawing highlights the importance of this event and the respect and admiration shown to the queen and king by the crowd.
Amazon Nova
Created by amazon.nova-pro-v1:0 on 2025-02-02
The image is a black and white drawing of a scene in a church with a large crowd of people. It is titled "La Regina Saba Visita Salomone" at the bottom. The church has a long hallway with columns and an arched ceiling. The crowd is gathered around a woman and a man, who are possibly the queen and king. The crowd is wearing different types of clothing, and some are holding objects.
Created by amazon.nova-lite-v1:0 on 2025-02-02
The image is a black-and-white drawing depicting a scene from the Bible. The scene shows the Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon. The Queen of Sheba is standing in the middle of the drawing, wearing a long dress and a crown. King Solomon is standing beside her, wearing a robe and a crown. Behind them is a large building with pillars and arches. The drawing is labeled "La Regina Saba Visita Salomone," which translates to "The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon." The drawing is signed by the artist, Giovanni Ghiberti, and the date is 1745.
Text analysis