33 Howbeit the high places were
not taken awaj: for as yet the peo-
ple had sot prepared their hoarts
uste the God of their fathere.
34 Now the ret of the Mts of
Jehoshaphat, first and last, behold,
they re wiittep jn the book of
Jehu the son of Hanaai, who is
mentioned in the book of ihe kinge
of lernel.
31 And afler thịa did Jehosha.
phạt king of Judah join himaelf
with Ahazish king of larael, who
did very wickedly
him to make shipe to go to Tar
shish: and they ade the hips in
Then Eliezer the son of Do-
davah of Mareshah prophosied
against Jeloshaphat, inig, Be
cause thou hatjoined thyef with
Ahaziah, the LoRD hath broken
hy works. And the shipe were
broken, thal they were not able to
go to Tarshish.
NOW Jehoshaphat alept wich
bis fathers, and was buri
with h falhers in the eity of
vid. And Jeloram his so reig
in his stead.
2And he had bretheen thes
Jeboslaphat, Azaria nd
hiel, od Zeehariah, and Azari
and Michael, and Hheplatiah
theee ere the sons of Jehonhapl.
Ling of lisel
And their father gave them
great gifts of silver, and of goll,
and of peecious things, with fenced
cities i Judah: let te kingdom
le to ehoram; because he
anas the first-borm.
4 Now when Jehoram was risen
up to the kingdom of his father, be
strengthened himselt, and sew all
his brethren rith the wword, and
dieery also ofrthe princes of lrael.
S Jehoram ig thirty and (wo
years ol wheg be began to reipn,
and he reigned eight years in Jeru-
the kings of Iesel, like did the
house of Ahab; for be had the
danghter of Ahab to wife: and be
wrought that wieh was evil in the
eyes of the LORD.
7 Howbeit th LoRD would not
destrey the house of Davidbecauge
of the covenant that he had made
with David, and as he pecenised to
give a light to him and to his sons
8 In his days the Edomites re
vohed from wnder the dominion of
Judah, and made themolves a
Then Jehoram went forth wi
his princes, and all his chan
with him: and he rose up
night, and smote the Edomite
wich compassed him in, and th
captains of 1the chariots.
J0 So the Edomites revoted fro
under the hand of Judah unto thin
day. The sae time also did Lib-
pah revelt fom under his hand:
because he had forsaken the LoRD
God of his fathers.
11 Moreover, he made Nigh
places in the moentains of Judah,
nd eaured the inhabetants of Jera
salem to commit fornieation, and
compelled Judah thereto.
12 And theee came a uriting to
hita from Eljah the prophet, say
ing. Thos nth the LoiD God of
David thy father, Because thou
hast pot walked in the ways of
Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the
ways of Asn king of Judah,
13 Bet hat walked in the war of
the kjngs of Ierarl, and hat
Jutah and ihe inhabtanta of Jen
reolted from
salem to go a whoring, ke to the
whoredos of the house of Ahab,
and sleo hast slain thy brethren of
thy fniher's hope, ieh were bet-
tee than thyself:
14 Bebold, with a geeat plagge
will the LoRP mite thy poop je
and thy chilMren, and thy win
and all thy goods:
15 And thoa ahelt eee E rest
sieksess by dingae of thy bo els,
until thy lowels fall out by on
of the sieksess dar by day.
Moreorer. the LORD t red
up Araint Jehoram the piri of
te Philistines, and of the Arabia
that ere nenr the Ehiopiat
17 And they eame up into Juda,
and brake into it, and earriel awa
the sobytance that was founl in
the king's hoose, and his eoos aleo,
and his wive that theee was
pever a son eft him, save Jehog-
hag the youngest of fis sos.
181 And afler all this the LeRD
wmote him in his bowels with an
ineurable disease
19 And, it came to pas, that in
process of time,
two year, his bowels fellout bg
reason of his sickae so he died
of sore disea And his people
made no buming for bim, ike the
burning of his fathers.
20 Thirty and iwo yes eld was
be when he began to reign, and he
reiped in Jenisslem eight, yeare.
pud departed without being desired:
howbeit they baried him in the eity
of Davil, bt not in the seplehres
of the kings
AND the inhabitants of Jerusn-
Alemmade Ahaziah his youneest
on king in his stead; for the band
of men that eame with the Arabi
ans to the eramp had slain all the
eldest. Ho Abarinh the sen of Je
horam king of Judah reigsod.