Machine Generated Data
Color Analysis
Face analysis

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Male, 54.4% |
Calm | 52.6% |
Sad | 46% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Angry | 45.4% |
Fear | 45.2% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45.4% |
Disgusted | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 46-64 |
Gender | Male, 54.4% |
Confused | 45% |
Surprised | 45% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Calm | 54.8% |
Sad | 45.1% |
Fear | 45% |
Angry | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 35-51 |
Gender | Male, 54.8% |
Fear | 45% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Calm | 54.6% |
Angry | 45.1% |
Sad | 45.2% |
Surprised | 45% |
Happy | 45% |
Confused | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 35-51 |
Gender | Male, 54.8% |
Disgusted | 45.5% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Angry | 50.6% |
Fear | 45.2% |
Calm | 48.4% |
Sad | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45.1% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 33-49 |
Gender | Male, 54.6% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Sad | 48.3% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Surprised | 45% |
Fear | 45.1% |
Calm | 46.8% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Female, 54.1% |
Confused | 45% |
Angry | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45% |
Calm | 53% |
Disgusted | 45.1% |
Fear | 45% |
Sad | 46.8% |
Happy | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 30-46 |
Gender | Male, 54.3% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Happy | 45.3% |
Disgusted | 45.3% |
Calm | 51.2% |
Angry | 47% |
Sad | 45.3% |
Surprised | 45.6% |
Fear | 45.3% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 33-49 |
Gender | Male, 54.7% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Angry | 45% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Calm | 54.8% |
Fear | 45% |
Surprised | 45% |
Confused | 45% |
Sad | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 34-50 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Sad | 50.3% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 13-25 |
Gender | Male, 54.3% |
Calm | 46.8% |
Fear | 47.7% |
Angry | 45.5% |
Disgusted | 45.1% |
Sad | 45.1% |
Happy | 45.2% |
Surprised | 49.4% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 44-62 |
Gender | Male, 54.9% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Fear | 45.1% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Calm | 51.5% |
Surprised | 45.2% |
Angry | 45.6% |
Sad | 47.4% |
Happy | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 44-62 |
Gender | Male, 54.9% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Confused | 45% |
Angry | 54.3% |
Sad | 45.2% |
Happy | 45% |
Surprised | 45.1% |
Calm | 45.2% |
Fear | 45.2% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 23-37 |
Gender | Male, 54.3% |
Calm | 47.5% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Happy | 45.2% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Surprised | 49.6% |
Sad | 45.5% |
Fear | 46.7% |
Angry | 45.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 50-68 |
Gender | Male, 54.7% |
Angry | 45.2% |
Disgusted | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45% |
Sad | 45.4% |
Confused | 45% |
Calm | 45.1% |
Fear | 54.1% |
Happy | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 34-50 |
Gender | Male, 54.8% |
Confused | 45% |
Sad | 45% |
Happy | 45% |
Angry | 54.8% |
Fear | 45% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Calm | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 42-60 |
Gender | Male, 54.8% |
Sad | 45.6% |
Surprised | 45% |
Angry | 45.1% |
Confused | 45% |
Fear | 45% |
Happy | 47.4% |
Calm | 51.8% |
Disgusted | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 36-54 |
Gender | Male, 54.9% |
Happy | 45% |
Surprised | 47.3% |
Angry | 45% |
Fear | 45% |
Sad | 45.2% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Calm | 52.3% |
Disgusted | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 45-63 |
Gender | Male, 54.7% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Sad | 45% |
Calm | 54.8% |
Fear | 45% |
Happy | 45% |
Confused | 45% |
Angry | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 52.9% |
Surprised | 45.2% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Sad | 45.2% |
Fear | 46.4% |
Calm | 46.1% |
Confused | 45% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Angry | 51.9% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 31-47 |
Gender | Male, 52.8% |
Angry | 46.7% |
Sad | 46.1% |
Calm | 45.5% |
Fear | 48.1% |
Happy | 47.2% |
Surprised | 46.4% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.9% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 35-51 |
Gender | Male, 54.6% |
Happy | 45.2% |
Angry | 46.5% |
Fear | 46.6% |
Surprised | 45.4% |
Calm | 50.8% |
Sad | 45.4% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 35-51 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Happy | 49.9% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 52-70 |
Gender | Male, 54.2% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Fear | 45.7% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Angry | 45.3% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Surprised | 45.6% |
Sad | 48.7% |
Happy | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 25-39 |
Gender | Male, 54.8% |
Calm | 47.6% |
Surprised | 47.2% |
Angry | 47.7% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Fear | 45.7% |
Sad | 46.6% |
Disgusted | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Female, 51% |
Angry | 48.3% |
Fear | 45.1% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45.2% |
Calm | 49.2% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Sad | 46% |
Happy | 46.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 37-55 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 28-44 |
Gender | Male, 53.1% |
Angry | 47.1% |
Calm | 50.9% |
Fear | 45.8% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Surprised | 45.3% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Sad | 45.7% |
Confused | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Angry | 50.4% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 9-19 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.8% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 33-49 |
Gender | Male, 53.7% |
Sad | 51.6% |
Fear | 45.4% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Surprised | 45% |
Angry | 45.1% |
Calm | 47.8% |
Happy | 45% |
Confused | 45% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 30-46 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.2% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 12-22 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 45-63 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Fear | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Happy | 50% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 50% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 17-29 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Fear | 49.7% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Sad | 50% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 40-58 |
Gender | Male, 50% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.6% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 50.2% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.6% |
Happy | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 41-59 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 21-33 |
Gender | Female, 50% |
Calm | 50.3% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Calm | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Calm | 49.7% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.2% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 19-31 |
Gender | Female, 50.4% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.2% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.8% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 54-72 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Sad | 50.2% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 34-50 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 50.2% |
Angry | 49.7% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.6% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 26-40 |
Gender | Male, 50.2% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 24-38 |
Gender | Female, 50.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Sad | 50% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.9% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 36-52 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 49-67 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 37-55 |
Gender | Male, 50.3% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.4% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 36-54 |
Gender | Male, 50.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.3% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Fear | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 22-34 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.7% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Calm | 50.1% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 20-32 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Calm | 49.6% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Sad | 50.4% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 26-42 |
Gender | Male, 54.7% |
Fear | 45.2% |
Angry | 47.7% |
Calm | 48.7% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Sad | 47.6% |
Disgusted | 45.5% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45.1% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 19-31 |
Gender | Male, 52.2% |
Fear | 47.7% |
Surprised | 45.3% |
Confused | 45.2% |
Sad | 47.6% |
Disgusted | 46.9% |
Happy | 45.1% |
Calm | 45.8% |
Angry | 46.4% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 49-67 |
Gender | Male, 50.4% |
Sad | 50.2% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.8% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 20-32 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.7% |
Calm | 50.3% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 27-43 |
Gender | Male, 50.2% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Angry | 50.4% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Sad | 49.6% |
Confused | 49.5% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 40-58 |
Gender | Male, 54.3% |
Angry | 47.4% |
Happy | 45.6% |
Disgusted | 45% |
Confused | 45.1% |
Surprised | 45.3% |
Calm | 49.8% |
Fear | 45.7% |
Sad | 46.2% |

AWS Rekognition
Age | 43-61 |
Gender | Female, 50.2% |
Sad | 50.5% |
Disgusted | 49.5% |
Happy | 49.5% |
Confused | 49.5% |
Fear | 49.5% |
Angry | 49.5% |
Calm | 49.5% |
Surprised | 49.5% |
Feature analysis
interior objects | 54.2% | |
paintings art | 22.2% | |
streetview architecture | 18.3% | |
nature landscape | 2% | |
macro flowers | 1.6% | |
created on 2019-11-16
an old photo of a group of people posing for the camera | 79.8% | |
an old photo of a group of people posing for a picture | 79.7% | |
a group of people posing for a photo | 79.6% | |
Created by gpt-4 on 2025-02-13
This is an edited image of an antique engraving, depicting a historical scene taking place in a grand, indoor setting. The ensemble seems to be dressed in period clothing that suggests a meeting or assembly from a bygone era, likely several centuries ago. The attire, which includes robes and formal garments, indicates a setting where official or scholarly activities are taking place. There is a prominent table in the center, surrounded by figures who appear to be engaging in discussion or debate, and the room is lined with books and other artifacts indicating study or scholarly work. A banner hangs in the upper left corner, and there are several ornate architectural features that suggest this could be taking place in a religious or institutional building. Text at the bottom of the image suggests a historical or commemorative representation, possibly referencing an important event or gathering. The overall impression is of an elaborate, historical record of an event, though the specific nature of the event is not clear from the image itself.
Created by gpt-4o-2024-05-13 on 2025-02-13
This image is an intricate, detailed historical depiction showing a formal gathering of a large number of individuals in academic or judicial robes, standing around a circular table. The setting appears to be an opulent, ornate hall with decorative elements on the walls and a high ceiling, possibly indicative of a significant institutional building such as a university or a governmental chamber. The group is engaged in what seems to be a serious discussion or ceremony, with many of them holding documents. Several individuals are prominently positioned, suggesting they may hold positions of importance or leadership. The scene conveys a sense of solemnity and formality.
Anthropic Claude
Created by claude-3-haiku-20240307 on 2025-02-13
The image appears to depict a large gathering of people, primarily men dressed in formal attire, gathered in what seems to be a formal setting. They appear to be engaged in some kind of official or ceremonial proceedings, with several individuals standing at a table in the center of the scene. The overall setting suggests a religious or academic context, with ornate architectural details and religious imagery visible in the background.
Created by claude-3-opus-20240229 on 2025-02-13
This image depicts a large group of people, likely diplomats or political leaders, gathered around a table signing an important document or treaty. The room has an ornate wooden ceiling with many small square compartments. The people are dressed in formal attire typical of the 16th or 17th century, with the men wearing long robes and the women in gowns and headpieces. Many quills and sheets of paper are spread out on the large table as the attendees take turns signing. The title at the bottom references the "Treaty of Munster, Anno CIƆ IƆC XLVIII", likely dating this historical scene to the year 1648.
Created by claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022 on 2025-02-13
This is a historical engraving depicting the signing of the Peace of Münster in 1648, which was part of the Peace of Westphalia that ended the Thirty Years' War. The scene shows a large formal gathering in what appears to be a governmental or diplomatic chamber. The image shows numerous figures dressed in 17th-century attire, wearing dark robes and white collars typical of the period. They are gathered around a table covered with a dark cloth, presumably where the treaty documents are being signed. The room appears to be ornately decorated, with detailed architectural elements visible in the background, including what looks like decorative woodwork and a hanging chandelier. The composition is formal and symmetrical, with the figures arranged in a semi-circle around the central table. The engraving technique uses fine lines and shading to create depth and detail, which was characteristic of period artwork. The scene represents one of the most significant diplomatic events in European history, as the Peace of Westphalia established principles of state sovereignty that would shape international relations for centuries to come. The Latin inscription at the bottom of the image provides context about the meeting of plenipotentiaries (diplomatic representatives) of the Spanish King Philip IV and the United Provinces.
Amazon Nova
Created by amazon.nova-lite-v1:0 on 2025-02-13
The image depicts a historical scene with a large group of people gathered in a formal setting. The central focus is a long table covered with a dark cloth, upon which books and documents are placed. Several individuals are seated around the table, with one person standing at the head, likely presiding over the meeting. The room is richly decorated, with intricate wooden panels and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The individuals present are dressed in formal attire, suggesting the importance of the gathering. Some are wearing long robes, while others are in more casual but still elegant clothing. The atmosphere is solemn and serious, indicative of a significant event or meeting. In the background, a sign is visible, partially obscured by the figures, which reads "TAX OPTIMAE REIPUBLICAE," translating to "Tax for the Best State." This suggests that the meeting is related to governance, taxation, or public policy. The image captures a moment of historical significance, likely a council or assembly of some kind, possibly a meeting of legislators or a gathering of notable figures in a historical context. The detailed attire and setting provide insight into the period and the importance of the event.
Created by amazon.nova-pro-v1:0 on 2025-02-13
The image is a black-and-white drawing of a large group of people gathered in a room. They are all dressed in robes, some of which have hoods. Some of them are standing, while others are seated. There is a table in the middle of the room, with a person standing behind it. A person in a suit of armor is standing on the left side of the image.