Wile they were empleyed in lamenting the fate of ucretia, Brutus pulling the
knife out of the wound,es holding it up bofore him as the blood drnt from it
aidwar by this Mood,hich was most pure, bofore it was poluted by reyal
illainy.all you0Gods, to itnefs my oath. that fshall pursue uus
Jarquin the Proud, his icked ife e al thar race, with fire, stord es allother
means in my pouer nor shallever sufer them or any cther to reign at Rome.
Brutus illis luctu occupatis, cultrum ex vulnere Lucretia extractum
manantem cruore pre se tenens, Per hune inquit, castifsimum ante
regiam injuriam sanguinem juro, vosgue dy testes facio, me L.Jar
quinium Juperbum cum scelerata conjuge, et omni liberorum stirpe
ferro, igni, quacungue dehine vi poim, cracturum nec illes, nec alium
quenguam regnare Remae pafsurum Tit. Liv ti 1
Forom the original painting in the poion of he Ahe the la fptn