Human Generated Data


Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean; principal face: The Journey to Emmaus; right face: The Village of Emmaus; left face: Angel


c. 1125-1130


Artist: Unidentified Artist,


Architectural Elements

Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Friends of the Fogg Art Museum Fund, 1922.17

Human Generated Data


Capital from Moutiers-Saint-Jean; principal face: The Journey to Emmaus; right face: The Village of Emmaus; left face: Angel


Artist: Unidentified Artist,


c. 1125-1130


Architectural Elements

Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Friends of the Fogg Art Museum Fund, 1922.17

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-04-07

Archaeology 99.8
Soil 98.5
Art 90.9
Painting 90.9
Ivory 65.7
Figurine 62.4
Human 60.5
Person 60.5

created on 2018-03-16

sculpture 100
art 99.9
ancient 99.7
religion 99.2
statue 98.4
god 98.2
museum 97
marble 97
archaeology 96.5
relief 96.5
antique 94.7
decoration 94.6
Renaissance 94.4
saint 94
stone 93.5
facial hair 93.2
carve 92.2
monument 91.9
crown 91.7
religious belief 91.1

created on 2018-03-16

lace 85.3
ancient 35.4
old 33.4
antique 32.6
texture 23.6
container 20.9
bag 20.1
art 19.9
sculpture 19.3
brown 19.1
stone 18.8
vintage 18.2
decoration 18.1
culture 17.9
history 17.9
paper 17.2
aged 17.2
grunge 17
pattern 16.4
design 15.2
close 14.3
textured 14
retro 13.9
wall 13.8
statue 13.8
blank 13.7
decorative 13.4
object 13.2
pillow 13.1
carving 13
religion 12.5
temple 12.3
decor 11.5
travel 11.3
detail 11.3
architecture 10.9
embroidery 10.9
historic 10.1
carved 9.8
past 9.7
monument 9.3
material 9
style 8.9
ruins 8.8
rock 8.7
parchment 8.6
ornament 8.6
grungy 8.5
page 8.3
document 8.3
cover 8.3
frame 8.3
rough 8.2
border 8.1
dirty 8.1
currency 8.1
top 8
yellow 7.9
surface 7.9
artistic 7.8
crumpled 7.8
mystery 7.7
craft 7.6
traditional 7.5
cushion 7.4
note 7.3
book 7.3
color 7.2
landmark 7.2
soft 7.2

created on 2018-03-16

created on 2018-03-16

wall 98.3
stone 43.4

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 38-57
Gender Male, 70.8%
Angry 4.6%
Sad 18.8%
Calm 65.4%
Confused 3.7%
Surprised 3.7%
Happy 1.5%
Disgusted 2.2%

Feature analysis


Painting 90.9%
Person 60.5%


created on 2018-03-16

a stone statue of a person 44.5%
a close up of a stone wall 44.4%
a stone wall 44.3%

Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-27

The image displays a stone relief sculpture featuring four figures with a grey, textured background. The figures appear to be carved from a single block of stone and exhibit signs of weathering and age. From left to right, the first figure is slightly turned away from the viewer, showcasing a profile view. This figure looks towards the other three figures and seems to be holding an object close to their chest. The second figure, located in the center-left of the composition, is turned towards the right, engaging with the figure next to them. This figure is holding a staff or scepter in their left hand and their right hand is raised, possibly in a gesture of discussion or proclamation. The third figure, in the center-right, mirrors the posture of the second figure, with their left hand holding a staff or scepter and the right hand raised. Their body language suggests an interaction with the second figure, possibly involved in a mirrored or reciprocal action. The fourth figure, on the far right, is partially obscured behind the third figure, with only the left side of their face, a shoulder, and a raised right hand visible. This figure seems to be looking in the direction of the central figures, perhaps as an observer or participant in the scene. Overall, the relief depicts a scene that could be interpreted as ceremonial or symbolic, with regal or religious overtones indicated by the staffs or scepters and the apparent formal gestures. The attire of the figures is detailed, with patterns and folds that suggest elaborate garments, possibly indicative of their high status or importance. Due to the fragmentary nature of the relief and lack of context, the specific narrative or cultural origin of the sculpture is not immediately clear.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image appears to depict an ancient carved stone relief sculpture. The relief shows several human-like figures wearing elaborate costumes and headdresses, arranged in a complex, stylized composition. The figures seem to be engaged in some kind of ritual or ceremonial activity. The carving has a distinctive, intricate design style characteristic of ancient art from a specific cultural tradition, though I cannot identify the specific culture or time period represented. Overall, the image conveys a sense of the artistic and cultural sophistication of the civilization that produced this carved stone relief.