Human Generated Data


The Madonna Enthroned, from a triptych


15th century


Artist: Niccolò da Foligno, Italian 1430 - 1502



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Edward W. Forbes in memory of Charles Eliot Norton, 1927.207.1

Human Generated Data


The Madonna Enthroned, from a triptych


Artist: Niccolò da Foligno, Italian 1430 - 1502


15th century



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gift of Edward W. Forbes in memory of Charles Eliot Norton, 1927.207.1

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-04-02

Art 96.8
Painting 95.1
Human 94.9
Person 94.9
Person 85.6
Person 80.5
Angel 62.4
Archangel 62.4
Person 57.9

created on 2018-03-24

religion 99.4
art 99
saint 99
painting 98.7
church 97.5
people 97.1
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Mary 96.6
aura 96.3
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book 95
veil 93.9
Renaissance 92.3
interior 91.2
Gothic 90.2
baby 89.9
gown (clothing) 89.1
old 88.6
group 88.3
religious 88.2

created on 2018-03-24

throne 100
chair of state 85.8
chair 63.5
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vestment 57.3
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seat 45
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church 38
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monastery 8.1
catholicism 7.9
angel 7.8
carving 7.8
pattern 7.5
vintage 7.4
exterior 7.4
monk 7.3

created on 2018-03-24

created on 2018-03-24

indoor 88
different 40.9
several 12.6

Color Analysis

Face analysis



AWS Rekognition

Age 9-14
Gender Female, 98.9%
Disgusted 1.6%
Sad 44.8%
Surprised 2.9%
Confused 6.5%
Calm 32.4%
Happy 7.5%
Angry 4.4%

AWS Rekognition

Age 9-14
Gender Male, 54.3%
Calm 45.4%
Happy 45.1%
Surprised 45.2%
Confused 45.4%
Angry 45.4%
Sad 46.4%
Disgusted 52.1%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 54.6%
Sad 45.7%
Angry 45.5%
Happy 49.3%
Surprised 45.5%
Disgusted 48.1%
Calm 45.4%
Confused 45.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Female, 54%
Calm 48.8%
Confused 45.5%
Surprised 45.7%
Happy 45.5%
Sad 47.5%
Disgusted 46.4%
Angry 45.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 4-9
Gender Female, 54.3%
Confused 45.2%
Angry 45.5%
Calm 46.8%
Sad 51.2%
Disgusted 45.4%
Happy 45.5%
Surprised 45.4%

AWS Rekognition

Age 14-25
Gender Female, 52%
Disgusted 47%
Sad 46.3%
Calm 49.5%
Angry 46.4%
Surprised 45.3%
Confused 45.2%
Happy 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 4-7
Gender Male, 54.7%
Disgusted 45.2%
Angry 45.8%
Happy 45.8%
Sad 51.7%
Confused 45.3%
Calm 45.9%
Surprised 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Female, 51.3%
Calm 50.8%
Happy 46.7%
Surprised 45.7%
Confused 45.2%
Angry 45.5%
Sad 45.7%
Disgusted 45.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 14-25
Gender Female, 54.8%
Confused 45.1%
Angry 45.1%
Sad 49.6%
Calm 45.3%
Surprised 45.1%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 49.8%

AWS Rekognition

Age 12-22
Gender Female, 53%
Calm 48.1%
Angry 45.6%
Confused 45.6%
Sad 47.2%
Surprised 45.3%
Happy 45.3%
Disgusted 47.9%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Female, 54.7%
Calm 45.6%
Angry 46%
Disgusted 45.5%
Sad 52.1%
Confused 45.3%
Surprised 45.2%
Happy 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 23-38
Gender Female, 54.8%
Disgusted 47.7%
Angry 45.7%
Surprised 46.4%
Happy 46.2%
Sad 46.7%
Calm 46.1%
Confused 46.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 54.7%
Calm 46%
Happy 45.3%
Sad 45.6%
Disgusted 45.6%
Angry 45.5%
Confused 45.5%
Surprised 51.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 53.3%
Disgusted 45.3%
Angry 45.8%
Confused 45.3%
Sad 48.3%
Happy 46.1%
Calm 48.5%
Surprised 45.7%

AWS Rekognition

Age 1-5
Gender Female, 51.4%
Calm 45.2%
Sad 47.3%
Confused 45.5%
Disgusted 46%
Surprised 45.5%
Happy 45.5%
Angry 50.1%

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Age 37
Gender Female

Feature analysis


Painting 95.1%
Person 94.9%


Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-24

The image is an artwork placed within a decorative golden frame. It seems to depict a scene from the Renaissance period based on the style of the clothing, the use of gold leaf, and the architectural elements. Several figures in ornate robes are gathered in what appears to be an indoor space with architectural columns and drapery. In the forefront, there is a seated figure in a voluminous blue robe holding a child on their lap. Directly in front of them is a vase containing flowers on a ledge. To the side of the seated figure is a person dressed in red, appearing in a reverent pose. The background and surrounding figures are arranged in a manner that suggests this scene might have religious or historical significance. The artwork features rich colors, careful attention to fabric and details, and decorative patterns.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

This painting depicts a religious scene featuring the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. The central figure is the Virgin Mary, shown seated and holding the baby Jesus in her arms. They are surrounded by a group of angels, saints, and other religious figures in an ornate, gilded frame. The painting has a traditional, medieval-style composition and use of vibrant colors and rich ornamentation characteristic of religious art of that period.