Human Generated Data


Madonna and Child Enthroned


c. 1490


Artist: Master known as the Pseudo Alamano, Italian active c. 1490

Previous attribution: Carlo Crivelli, Italian 1430/35 - before 1495



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Adele L. and Arthur Lehman, 1965.97

Human Generated Data


Madonna and Child Enthroned


Artist: Master known as the Pseudo Alamano, Italian active c. 1490

Previous attribution: Carlo Crivelli, Italian 1430/35 - before 1495


c. 1490



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Adele L. and Arthur Lehman, 1965.97

Machine Generated Data


created on 2020-04-23

Human 98.8
Person 98.8
Painting 98.7
Art 98.7
Person 89.9
Angel 82.6
Archangel 82.6
Photography 59.4
Photo 59.4
Face 59.4
Portrait 59.4

created on 2020-04-23

people 99.7
religion 98.7
art 98.2
saint 97
church 95.9
Mary 95.8
Renaissance 95.5
gown (clothing) 94.6
woman 93.6
adult 92.3
god 92
baby 90.2
kneeling 89
man 88.9
book 88.8
chapel 88.4
one 88.1
sculpture 87.2
virgin 87.1
veil 85.6

created on 2020-04-23

cathedral 64.2
architecture 60.8
church 59.2
sculpture 44.4
building 44.3
religion 39.5
altar 38.3
old 34.9
landmark 33.4
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monastery 8.1
symbol 8.1
cologne 7.9
artistic 7.8
ornament 7.8
majestic 7.7
decorated 7.7
interior 7.1
house 7

created on 2020-04-23

created on 2020-04-23

building 89.7
statue 89.4
church 80.3
painting 77.5
white 74.2
person 71.3
art 65.5
black and white 63.4
arch 15.5

Color Analysis

Face analysis



AWS Rekognition

Age 9-19
Gender Female, 92.7%
Happy 0.1%
Calm 24.1%
Sad 73.2%
Disgusted 1.1%
Fear 0.2%
Surprised 0.1%
Angry 0.6%
Confused 0.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 11-21
Gender Female, 91.8%
Disgusted 0.8%
Angry 2.4%
Fear 0.6%
Surprised 0.3%
Sad 64.9%
Calm 29%
Happy 0.2%
Confused 1.9%

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Age 22
Gender Female

Microsoft Cognitive Services

Age 3
Gender Female

Feature analysis


Person 98.8%
Painting 98.7%



Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-24

This black and white image captures a piece of art that appears to be a Gothic-style painting or a representation of a sculpture. It depicts a figure dressed in voluminous, flowing robes with heavily detailed folds and drapery, giving a sense of grandeur and soft textures. The figure is seated and poses with one hand positioned delicately over their lap. The composition is set within an arching frame that features intricate Gothic tracery and ornamental detailing, including pointed arches and what appears to be leaf-like designs. The overall aesthetic suggests this artwork is steeped in religious or historical symbolism, typical of Gothic art which often incorporated biblical figures and narratives.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-30

The image depicts a religious painting featuring a woman holding a young child. The woman is dressed in ornate, flowing robes and appears to be the Virgin Mary, while the child she holds is likely the infant Jesus. The painting is set within an ornately carved and decorated architectural frame, giving it a sense of grandeur and religious significance. The overall style and composition of the work suggest it is a Renaissance or early Renaissance period religious artwork.