Human Generated Data


Jesse Tree


c. 1520-c. 1530


Artist: Heinrich Douvermann, German c. 1480 - c. 1530



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Purchase in memory of Eda K. Loeb, BR57.125

Human Generated Data


Jesse Tree


Artist: Heinrich Douvermann, German c. 1480 - c. 1530


c. 1520-c. 1530



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Purchase in memory of Eda K. Loeb, BR57.125

Machine Generated Data


created on 2023-08-30

Wood 100
Bronze 100
Person 97.3
Person 94.3
Art 92.1
Antler 77.6
Face 70.8
Head 70.8
Ivory 57.3
Painting 57
Figurine 56.8
Sculpture 56.8
Accessories 55.9

created on 2023-11-01

art 99.4
sculpture 98.4
old 96.8
decoration 96.2
metalwork 95.9
religion 95.7
desktop 93.6
no person 93.2
ancient 92.6
design 91.9
bird 91.8
fish 90.5
retro 89.6
one 89.4
artistic 88.1
nature 86.1
pattern 85.8
antique 85.7
vintage 85
iron 84.4

created on 2018-12-18

insect 100
cicada 100
arthropod 64.4
invertebrate 33.1
lace 32.7
shoe 27.3
leather 23.7
foot 21.9
clothing 20.6
shoes 19.2
footwear 18.5
close 17.7
cockroach 17.6
pair 17
boot 16.7
fashion 15.1
brown 14
boots 12.7
cord 12.5
black 12
sole 11.8
sport 11.5
color 10.6
walking 10.4
sea 10.2
animal 9.7
line 9.5
healthy 9.4
travel 9.1
equipment 9.1
object 8.8
closeup 8.8
rubber 8.7
colorful 8.6
accessory 8.6
two 8.5
work 8.4
summer 8.4
food 7.9
objects 7.8
climb 7.8
hiking 7.7
wear 7.7
old 7.7
gourmet 7.6
human 7.5
yellow 7.3
dirty 7.2

created on 2018-12-18

sculpture 74.5
art 59.8
carving 55.7

created on 2018-12-18

art 57.8
weapon 57.8

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 26-36
Gender Male, 98.8%
Calm 68.3%
Confused 21.3%
Surprised 7.3%
Fear 6.9%
Sad 3.6%
Angry 0.8%
Happy 0.6%
Disgusted 0.6%

Feature analysis


Person 97.3%



created on 2018-12-18

a close up of a bench 47.6%
a wooden bench 38.2%
a wooden table 38.1%

Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-26

The image depicts a vibrantly colored and intricate wood carving. The scene appears to involve several figures, likely characters from a story or myth, with distinct and expressive facial features. They are positioned throughout the work, appearing to interact with one another and the surrounding elements. The figures are adorned in detailed costumes and hats, suggesting a historical or cultural significance. The central figure seems to be lying down, possibly in distress, as other figures surround them, creating a narrative flow throughout the piece. The craftsmanship is detailed with multiple layers of carving that create depth, adding to the dynamic and complex nature of the scene. The background and surroundings consist of swirling patterns and what appears to be natural forms like branches or vines, adding an organic feel to the piece. The use of color is subtle yet effective, accentuating certain aspects of the characters and the natural forms around them, helping to distinguish the figures from the background. Due to the complexity and style, the carving may represent a scene from folklore or a traditional fable, crafted to tell a story through its visual presentation. The exact cultural origin of the piece is not identifiable from the image alone, but it certainly reflects a rich storytelling tradition and artistic skill.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-30

The image shows an intricate and ornate wooden sculpture or carving. The sculpture depicts a reclining, sleeping or deceased figure draped in flowing, ornate robes or garments. The figure is surrounded by a complex, elaborate design of swirling, curved shapes and forms that appear to be part of the overall sculptural composition. The overall impression is one of a highly detailed, artistic and visually striking piece.