Human Generated Data


Adoration of the Shepherds


16th century


Artist: Christoph Schwarz, German 1545 - 1592



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Purchase through the generosity of Alfred Bader, 1985.34

Human Generated Data


Adoration of the Shepherds


Artist: Christoph Schwarz, German 1545 - 1592


16th century



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Busch-Reisinger Museum, Purchase through the generosity of Alfred Bader, 1985.34

Machine Generated Data


created on 2020-04-23

Art 99.7
Painting 99.7
Human 99.3
Person 99.3
Person 98.7
Person 97.4
Person 93.9
Person 91.8
Person 90.3
Person 88.5
Person 60.8

created on 2020-04-23

art 99.9
painting 99.9
people 99.8
Renaissance 99.7
religion 98.7
saint 98.6
adult 98.2
woman 97.9
illustration 97.9
man 97.8
kneeling 97.1
baroque 97
Mary 96.5
baby 96.4
group 95.8
nude 95.5
print 95.4
pain 94.8
position 93.5
two 93.3

created on 2020-04-23

sculpture 69.7
carving 66.4
plastic art 38.6
art 31.2
statue 21.9
stone 18.5
travel 18.3
figure 16.3
old 16
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water 15.3
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cadaver 15.1
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ancient 13.8
building 13.5
tourism 13.2
monument 12.1
sand 11.7
religious 11.2
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rock 10.4
temple 10.1
earth 9.6
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triceratops 9.4
natural 9.4
church 9.2
person 9.2
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geology 8.7
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light 8
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man 7.4
historic 7.3
wall 7.3
landmark 7.2
history 7.2
portrait 7.1
river 7.1
cave 7.1

created on 2020-04-23

created on 2020-04-23

painting 99.5
person 97.3
art 89.8
human face 80.3
baroque 64.9
drawing 64.2
text 59.6
picture frame 56.1
mythology 54
museum 53.8
crowd 0.9

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 31-47
Gender Female, 54.6%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 45%
Confused 45%
Surprised 45%
Calm 53.2%
Fear 45%
Angry 45.1%
Sad 46.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 37-55
Gender Male, 54.1%
Happy 46.1%
Disgusted 45.1%
Angry 45.5%
Calm 51.8%
Sad 46.1%
Fear 45.1%
Confused 45.1%
Surprised 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 44-62
Gender Female, 54.2%
Fear 45.1%
Confused 45%
Calm 47%
Sad 52.6%
Happy 45%
Angry 45.1%
Disgusted 45%
Surprised 45%

AWS Rekognition

Age 55-73
Gender Male, 50.2%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Fear 49.5%
Calm 49.7%
Happy 49.5%
Angry 49.6%
Sad 50.2%

Feature analysis


Painting 99.7%
Person 99.3%



Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-25

This is an elongated horizontal painting with several figures surrounding a central scene. The artwork features a mix of standing and kneeling individuals, some of whom are gazing towards the center. The setting appears to be a dimly lit, classical architectural environment with pillars and arches emerging from shadows, suggesting an indoor scene, perhaps a stable or rustic dwelling. The figures are clothed in robes and cloaks in a style typical of historical or biblical representations, with earthy tones and pops of red, adding to the scene's drama and focus. One figure on the right sits on the steps with a thoughtful expression, while another on the far left appears to be entering the scene, holding a long staff. All these elements combine to give the artwork a traditional, religious narrative painting feel.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image appears to be a religious painting depicting a biblical scene. It shows a central group of figures, including a woman holding a baby surrounded by several other individuals. There are additional figures in the background, some of whom seem to be reacting with awe or reverence. The overall scene has a sense of solemnity and spiritual significance, with a glowing light source in the upper portion of the painting.