Human Generated Data


The Worship of Parvati and Shiva as Mahadeva by Brahma and Vishnu


c. 1800





Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of John Kenneth Galbraith, 1972.73

Human Generated Data


The Worship of Parvati and Shiva as Mahadeva by Brahma and Vishnu


c. 1800



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of John Kenneth Galbraith, 1972.73

Machine Generated Data


created on 2020-04-23

Art 91.6
Human 87.6
Person 87.6
Home Decor 78.6
Rug 76.6
Painting 69.8
Apparel 68.2
Clothing 68.2
Applique 65.8
Quilt 64
Advertisement 57.9
Poster 57.9
Mural 56.2
Collage 55.7
Patchwork 55.2

created on 2020-04-23

architecture 99.5
building 98
painting 98
art 97.7
wall 95.5
travel 95.4
house 94.9
ancient 93.6
outdoors 93.4
town 93
mosaic 92.6
no person 91.7
Gothic 91.6
city 91.2
indoors 91
tile 90.9
religion 90.6
window 89.4
people 88.3
street 88.1

created on 2020-04-23

money 44.3
currency 44
cash 41.2
finance 36.3
wealth 34.1
bank 32.3
paper 32.2
business 27.9
banking 27.6
bill 26.6
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art 17.7
container 16.5
newspaper 15.9
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home appliance 15.4
comic book 14.3
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stamp 7.7
price 7.7
save 7.6
buy 7.5
cotton 7.5
sale 7.4
drawing 7.1

created on 2020-04-23

Painting 82.2
Art 73.1
Miniature 70.2
Illustration 62.3

created on 2020-04-23

cartoon 98.5
text 89.2
book 84.3
poster 84
covered 81.9
painting 75
child art 65.6
various 42.3
different 35.3
decorated 30.8
colorful 27.8
bedclothes 27.2
several 16.5
cluttered 10.8

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 8-18
Gender Female, 54.4%
Happy 47.1%
Disgusted 47.3%
Sad 46.1%
Calm 48.5%
Surprised 45.2%
Fear 45.2%
Confused 45.1%
Angry 45.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-32
Gender Female, 54.3%
Fear 45.2%
Happy 45.8%
Angry 45.6%
Surprised 45.1%
Disgusted 45.1%
Sad 48.5%
Calm 49.7%
Confused 45.1%

AWS Rekognition

Age 18-30
Gender Female, 54.6%
Surprised 45.2%
Sad 45.3%
Happy 45.9%
Disgusted 45.1%
Angry 45.2%
Calm 53.3%
Fear 45%
Confused 45.1%

AWS Rekognition

Age 19-31
Gender Male, 53%
Angry 50.5%
Disgusted 45.1%
Calm 47.9%
Sad 45.3%
Happy 45.2%
Surprised 45.5%
Fear 45.2%
Confused 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 22-34
Gender Female, 50.7%
Surprised 45.1%
Calm 45.9%
Angry 45.1%
Disgusted 45%
Sad 46%
Happy 52.8%
Fear 45%
Confused 45.1%

AWS Rekognition

Age 14-26
Gender Female, 52.2%
Confused 45.1%
Calm 45.1%
Sad 45.5%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 45.6%
Surprised 46.3%
Fear 49.2%
Angry 48.1%

AWS Rekognition

Age 40-58
Gender Female, 52.4%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 45.3%
Fear 46.7%
Angry 45.6%
Calm 47.4%
Sad 49.1%
Surprised 45.2%
Confused 45.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 23-35
Gender Female, 54.3%
Angry 45.2%
Fear 45%
Calm 49.2%
Confused 45%
Surprised 45%
Disgusted 45%
Happy 50.3%
Sad 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 21-33
Gender Female, 53.8%
Happy 48.5%
Surprised 45.6%
Confused 45.7%
Fear 45.2%
Calm 48%
Angry 46.1%
Disgusted 45.1%
Sad 45.9%

AWS Rekognition

Age 36-54
Gender Female, 50.1%
Fear 46.8%
Disgusted 45.5%
Happy 47.4%
Calm 46.3%
Confused 45.4%
Angry 45.6%
Surprised 47.9%
Sad 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 12-22
Gender Female, 53.6%
Sad 45.1%
Confused 45%
Disgusted 45%
Happy 54.6%
Surprised 45.1%
Calm 45.2%
Angry 45%
Fear 45%

AWS Rekognition

Age 9-19
Gender Female, 54.1%
Calm 51.1%
Angry 45.3%
Confused 45.1%
Fear 45%
Happy 45.4%
Surprised 45.1%
Sad 48%
Disgusted 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 18-30
Gender Male, 53.6%
Disgusted 45.1%
Calm 45.6%
Sad 52.3%
Fear 45.6%
Surprised 45.2%
Confused 45.2%
Happy 45.4%
Angry 45.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 17-29
Gender Female, 51.4%
Surprised 45.2%
Angry 45.3%
Sad 46.6%
Happy 45.6%
Fear 51.5%
Calm 45.5%
Disgusted 45.2%
Confused 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 14-26
Gender Female, 51.3%
Sad 45.5%
Disgusted 45.1%
Happy 50%
Confused 45.1%
Fear 45.1%
Angry 47.5%
Surprised 45.9%
Calm 45.8%

AWS Rekognition

Age 15-27
Gender Female, 53.6%
Disgusted 45.1%
Confused 45.1%
Calm 50.6%
Angry 45.3%
Fear 45.1%
Surprised 46.3%
Happy 47.3%
Sad 45.3%

AWS Rekognition

Age 24-38
Gender Female, 50.9%
Fear 45.1%
Angry 45.2%
Confused 45%
Disgusted 45.3%
Happy 53.8%
Calm 45.2%
Sad 45.1%
Surprised 45.2%

AWS Rekognition

Age 15-27
Gender Female, 53.9%
Confused 46.1%
Fear 45.3%
Happy 45.4%
Surprised 46%
Disgusted 46.2%
Angry 45.6%
Sad 47.9%
Calm 47.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 46-64
Gender Male, 54.6%
Angry 45.7%
Surprised 45.1%
Fear 46.6%
Calm 49.2%
Sad 47.8%
Confused 45.1%
Happy 45.2%
Disgusted 45.1%

Feature analysis


Person 87.6%
Rug 76.6%



paintings art 99%


Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-01-25

This is an intricately detailed traditional Indian painting depicting a vibrant scene at a palace. Various individuals are present, participating in different activities. We see a gathering of people at the bottom, some musicians playing instruments, a person holding a parasol, individuals standing in courtyards, and a couple of figures on a terrace. The architecture is adorned with elaborate designs, featuring arches and columns that are common in Indian palaces. There is a sense of festivity or celebration. The artwork showcases a rich use of color and patterns, which are characteristic of Indian miniature paintings, with an emphasis on reds, yellows, and whites. The sky is rendered in a gentle blue with hints of clouds. Flags are visible atop structures, suggesting a sense of occasion. The scene is framed by a decorative border, adding to the painting's ornate aesthetic.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-29

The image appears to be an ornate and decorative painting depicting a royal or ceremonial scene. In the central part of the image, there is a group of elaborately dressed figures seated on a raised platform or dais, with various attendants and servants surrounding them. The overall scene is set within an ornate architectural structure with arched doorways, columns, and patterned decorations. The use of vibrant colors and intricate details suggests this is a traditional Indian or South Asian style of painting, though I cannot identify any specific individuals shown.

Text analysis
