Human Generated Data


Detail of the East Frieze of the Parthenon: Priest and child with peplos; after 5th century BC original


19th century


Artist: Phidias, Greek active 5th century BCE


Architectural Elements

Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Museum Purchase, 1895.46.C

Human Generated Data


Detail of the East Frieze of the Parthenon: Priest and child with peplos; after 5th century BC original


Artist: Phidias, Greek active 5th century BCE


19th century


Architectural Elements

Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Museum Purchase, 1895.46.C

Machine Generated Data


created on 2023-08-30

Archaeology 100
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Person 98.8
Bride 98.8
Female 98.8
Woman 98.8
Wedding 98.8
Adult 96.9
Bride 96.9
Female 96.9
Woman 96.9
Person 96.9
Person 95.3
Art 93.9
Head 85
Face 70.4
Sculpture 61.9
Angel 57.9
Monastery 57.2
Building 57.2
Architecture 57.2
Painting 56.3
Statue 55.2

created on 2018-11-02

sculpture 99.8
art 99.4
statue 98.1
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god 96.1
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one 90.7
veil 90.6
relief 89.2
adult 88.9
old 88.9
facial hair 88.7
grave 88.4
symbol 88.4
stone 87.3

created on 2018-11-02

sculpture 56
statue 43.2
carving 34.8
art 33.5
stone 33.4
history 31.3
ancient 31.1
architecture 28.3
cemetery 27.2
monument 27.1
ruler 26.6
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face 8.5
sculptures 7.9
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spiritual 7.7
cathedral 7.7
head 7.6
pattern 7.5
traditional 7.5
vintage 7.4
element 7.4
church 7.4
sandstone 7.2

created on 2018-11-02

created on 2018-11-02

Color Analysis

Feature analysis


Adult 98.8%
Person 98.8%
Bride 98.8%
Female 98.8%
Woman 98.8%



paintings art 100%


created on 2018-11-02

a stone building 81.1%
a close up of a stone building 72.3%
a close up of a stone wall 72.2%

Azure OpenAI

Created on 2024-02-07

The image you have provided is a grayscale photograph of an ancient relief sculpture featuring three figures, most likely crafted from marble or a similar material. The relief is heavily worn, indicating significant age. The figure on the left appears to be female, shown from a side-view angle, with her left arm raised, draping a large piece of fabric over what could be an altar or pedestal. The drapery she handles seems to have a weight to it, suggested by the way it hangs and folds. She appears to stand with a posture that implies movement or action. The middle figure stands facing forward but with the head turned to the left, possibly watching the actions of the first figure. This figure holds a fold of cloth in the right hand while the left hand is also lifted, suggesting interaction with an object or the cloth not completely visible in the relief. The third figure, on the right, is in profile, facing left. The body posture is more static compared to the other figures, and this figure seems to be holding a fold of the garment or possibly a scroll. The garments of all figures are rendered with a combination of flowing lines and detailed folds, which add a sense of texture and depth to the sculpted representation. The absence of facial features is likely due to the erosion of the relief over time. Overall, the scene denotes a solemn and ceremonial atmosphere, perhaps depicting a religious or ritualistic moment from ancient times. The depiction of fabric and the fluidity of movement are indicative of the high level of artistry and craftsmanship involved in creating this work.

Anthropic Claude

Created on 2024-03-30

The image appears to be a relief sculpture depicting three robed figures in a procession-like pose. The figures are shown in a stylized, sculptural style with flowing, draped garments that obscure their specific identities. The sculptural work has a sense of movement and solemnity, with the central figure holding a raised arm gesturing or leading the other two figures. The overall composition and artistic style suggests this is a work of classical or ancient Greek origin.