seeing that the forest is already cut up by drives into a porfectly
regular gridiron; but these have by no means been allowed to influence
the plan of the villages, though they are connected up to the streets
as indicated on the eastern side of the Central Settlement in dotted
The houses consist of single family houses(two storey houses) and
two-family houses (flats arranged in three storeys).
In the Wes tern
Settlement many of the bui.ldings are four storeys high; this concentra-
tion in the dwellings allows a greater amount of unoccupied ground spac
The two "settlements",
when completely built up, should house 1,000
persons on an area of 410 acres, or an average of 75 persons per acre.
This population is almost exactly that of the completed English Garden
City of Letchworth, hich has a tom area of 1,200 acres, housing 25
persons per acre.
Statement from "The Town Planring Revie", October 1910.