Woods Run Industrial House, Allegheny, Pa.
G Se 2-ts.L.e
mops BU musTRIAT HOUsx
Petrel Street,
Eatablished in 1904,
general betternent er this seetion ef the eity.
ach reliet wrork by civing epleyment
n newing snd
eleaning, beys' nd eiria eluba, newing fer irls, rending and
gune reems, ne thorns moetings, pablie baths.
The present heane
has been ee-upied ainee tareh, 1904.
"Reslising the prinsry inpertanee e
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the neighberheed, thst tegether re
my influence erery resident of teeds Run, not airevdy having a
ehurch heme,
identiry himnelr with ene of the nuny churehes
established in the vicinity,
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ane wine, true friend.
have not
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the friodnahip erred,