Human Generated Data


Charity, Children: United States. New York. Pleasantville. Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society: Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, New York


c. 1900


Artist: Wolfson, American



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Social Museum Collection, 3.2002.165

Human Generated Data


Charity, Children: United States. New York. Pleasantville. Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society: Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, New York


Artist: Wolfson, American


c. 1900



Credit Line

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Social Museum Collection, 3.2002.165

Machine Generated Data


created on 2019-06-05

Person 99.2
Human 99.2
Person 98.9
Person 98.7
Person 98.3
Person 97
Person 97
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Room 96.4
Person 96.1
Person 94.9
Person 89.5
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Advertisement 89.4
Person 88.8
Person 88.5
Furniture 83.1
Person 81.5
Person 80.5
Person 80.3
Crowd 74
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Person 72.3
School 68.7
Classroom 68.7
Person 66.5
Person 64.5
Chair 60.6
Paper 56.9
Kindergarten 56.2
Table 56.1

created on 2019-06-05

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adult 96.5
woman 94.4
man 94.3
many 94.2
illustration 91.3
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created on 2019-06-05

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created on 2019-06-05

Photograph 97
Text 90.3
Snapshot 86.4
Room 76.5
Photography 67.8
History 67.6
Adaptation 67
Photograph album 59.7
Album 51.4

created on 2019-06-05

person 98.3
clothing 90.8
gallery 78.4
room 70
man 66.1
posing 39.2
screenshot 16.9
several 11.7

Color Analysis

Face analysis


AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Male, 50%
Confused 49.6%
Disgusted 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Sad 49.7%
Angry 49.9%
Happy 49.5%
Calm 49.7%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Female, 50.5%
Calm 49.5%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 50%
Sad 49.7%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 50.3%
Sad 50.1%
Angry 49.6%
Disgusted 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Calm 49.6%
Confused 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.5%
Calm 49.5%
Angry 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Sad 50.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Male, 50.4%
Calm 49.6%
Sad 49.8%
Angry 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Disgusted 49.9%
Confused 49.6%
Happy 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.5%
Calm 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Happy 49.6%
Disgusted 49.9%
Angry 49.6%
Sad 49.9%
Confused 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 38-57
Gender Male, 50.4%
Sad 49.6%
Happy 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Disgusted 50.2%
Confused 49.5%
Calm 49.6%
Angry 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 29-45
Gender Male, 50.4%
Happy 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Disgusted 49.6%
Calm 49.7%
Angry 49.6%
Sad 50%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-44
Gender Male, 50.5%
Sad 49.8%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 49.6%
Calm 49.7%
Disgusted 49.7%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 50.5%
Sad 50.3%
Angry 49.5%
Happy 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Calm 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.1%
Angry 49.8%
Surprised 49.5%
Sad 49.8%
Confused 49.6%
Calm 49.5%
Disgusted 49.7%
Happy 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 30-47
Gender Male, 50.5%
Sad 50.1%
Angry 49.7%
Calm 49.6%
Confused 49.6%
Happy 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-55
Gender Male, 50.4%
Surprised 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Sad 49.9%
Calm 49.9%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 49-69
Gender Male, 50.5%
Surprised 49.5%
Disgusted 50%
Sad 49.7%
Calm 49.7%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 9-14
Gender Female, 50.4%
Calm 50.1%
Confused 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Disgusted 49.6%
Sad 49.7%
Angry 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Male, 50.5%
Happy 49.6%
Sad 49.7%
Disgusted 49.5%
Calm 49.8%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.8%

AWS Rekognition

Age 45-63
Gender Male, 50.4%
Disgusted 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Calm 49.9%
Surprised 49.5%
Happy 49.6%
Sad 49.7%
Angry 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Female, 50.1%
Calm 49.6%
Confused 49.5%
Sad 49.6%
Surprised 49.6%
Happy 50.1%
Disgusted 49.6%
Angry 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 29-45
Gender Female, 50.1%
Calm 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Happy 49.8%
Disgusted 49.5%
Sad 50.1%
Angry 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Male, 50.4%
Surprised 49.5%
Sad 50.5%
Angry 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Calm 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-44
Gender Female, 50.5%
Disgusted 49.6%
Sad 49.6%
Calm 49.6%
Confused 49.6%
Happy 50.2%
Surprised 49.5%
Angry 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Male, 50.5%
Disgusted 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Calm 49.7%
Angry 49.6%
Happy 49.5%
Sad 49.9%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-44
Gender Male, 50.4%
Calm 49.5%
Disgusted 50.2%
Confused 49.5%
Happy 49.5%
Angry 49.6%
Sad 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-53
Gender Male, 50.4%
Angry 49.5%
Sad 49.5%
Disgusted 50.4%
Happy 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Calm 49.5%
Surprised 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 35-52
Gender Female, 50.4%
Confused 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Sad 49.6%
Calm 49.9%
Happy 49.5%
Angry 49.8%
Disgusted 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.2%
Sad 49.6%
Calm 49.9%
Disgusted 49.5%
Confused 49.6%
Angry 49.6%
Surprised 49.5%
Happy 49.6%

AWS Rekognition

Age 20-38
Gender Male, 50.3%
Calm 49.6%
Angry 49.7%
Sad 49.6%
Confused 49.5%
Surprised 49.6%
Happy 49.6%
Disgusted 49.8%

AWS Rekognition

Age 26-43
Gender Female, 50.4%
Angry 49.6%
Sad 49.6%
Calm 49.7%
Surprised 49.5%
Confused 49.5%
Disgusted 50%
Happy 49.5%

AWS Rekognition

Age 14-25
Gender Female, 50.5%
Angry 49.6%
Disgusted 49.7%
Sad 49.7%
Calm 49.7%
Happy 49.7%
Surprised 49.6%
Confused 49.6%

Feature analysis


Person 99.2%
Person 98.9%
Person 98.7%
Person 98.3%
Person 97%
Person 97%
Person 96.1%
Person 94.9%
Person 89.5%
Person 88.8%
Person 88.5%
Person 81.5%
Person 80.5%
Person 80.3%
Person 72.3%
Person 66.5%
Person 64.5%
Poster 89.4%
Chair 60.6%


Text analysis


Hebrew Sheltering Guarlian Society Orphan Asylum
Pleanantville, New York


Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum Pleasantville, New York The atady hour. The 7aculty