v Study
confidence in the
incredibly hiding
he alleged Songmy
the time it oc-
onths ago."
or noted that the
committed atroc-
d: "Atrocities that
ent occurance for
e Vietcong do not
none instance of
now have an in-
hat is scrupulously
to the soldiers in-
fair to the truth,
w much it hurts."
lied Criticism
Resor and General
d stressed that
tment of General
pt in itself mean
ginal investigation
were inadequate
at this was to be
y the special in-
Army Sets
ry that General
rry out, they said,
endent of the cur-
riminal investiga-
ng place. The gen-
Associated Press
e assisted by "a
of legal and in- TO BE TRIED: First Lieut.
perts," including
the assistant gen-
William L. Calley Jr. at
Fort Benning, Ga. He will be
court-martialed by Army
f the Army.
rs is the chief of
ponents of the
he time of the
Continued From Page 1,
he visited his family in
There was no mentio
today of a court-mart
Staff Sgt. David Mitchel
Francisville, La., a squad
in Lieutenant Calley's p
Sergeant Mitchell has
charged with assault w
tent to murder 30 Viet
civilians in the same in
The sergeant is now st
at Fort Hood, Tex.
"That investigation
tinuing,' an officer said
The six specifi
against Lieutenant
charge that he violated
118 of the Uniform C
Military Justice. The art
fines the crimes under v
person may be tried fo
lawfully" killing a hum
ing "without justification
The formal charges r
the village as Mylai 4, th
tary designation for the
of Songmy, which is on
cluster of hamlets. Am
in the Quangngai area
name dthe group of
The first specif
against Lieutenant Calle
four murders, the seco
for killing "not less tha
civlians, the third is for
persons, the fifth charge
one male and the sixth
on charges of killing ci-a 2-year-old child "whose
vilians in South Vietnam.
and sex is unknown."
70 in Fourth Count