GH. 16
Garden Suburbs, Germany
seeing that sha rorest is uldy aus up by arivos into n porfeotly
at inehen-Perlach have beon denigm
The tro
regular griairon; tus these have
rno noans been alloed to inriuenoe
r Profensor Berlapsch-Valondas so form eaurden mburts to the south
the pian of the villngos, though they are cornected up so the atreete
of hunich. hey aru sitated in the Perinah forest,
mnieipel pro-
88 indiouten en tho oustern side of the Cuntrul Suttlenont in dotted
the Isar. Is is proponod to connoet thon by a
party in theo valler
1inahe bouson oonsist of ninglo fansy houses(tro-storey houses) and
loop line with two of the south-poing milany 1inen; this loop will
tao-fanily honsoalflats aranged in throe etorayes).
Settlonont nany of the but 10ingn are four storoys high; this oonoentra
In the Testorn
skirt their southorn eidos. The tao villngon alrendy planned out are
callod the Wons and Contrl Sostloments, and they are neparated by
loft atanding. runml1y an
tion in the dallingn allos a rren tar enount of unceepied ground apaa
strins of the Porunt htch are
eantern sostlmont mor be adtod. An axiesing trnm route forms the
The too "gotsslemonta", then eoenletely buils tp, should hetine 1,000
r 75 persons per nore.
boundary of the Tontern tettlement, Only
smll portion or ecah set-
an aron of 410 neros, or a
tlonont has boun plamed in detail; the rest in 1ioakod out fer the
This populasion in nimost exnetly thnt of the oopleted Pngl1sh Grden
Gean planning: in she
tom aron or 1,00 eres, houeing as
City of Totahwerth, which hen
min streetn only, The a tyotenl exenlon
Western Settlanunt the housus are in groups surrounding shreo sides of
persons par neru.
courta, in the entnd 1n rous. he prudiloetion of the Derman donign
Stasonant tos "he Zown Plaming Rovier", October 1910.
lr planndne in nll the noro maked in this instonoo,
for this ir