Municipal Housing: Great Britain
xtens and Charseter
Housing of the Working Ciesses.
J892 end the
t wtr ndetaken 1n mbeeqtent vetrn e ieh ee te induce the
The uork of the london County Ceuned1 in conneotion vt th the hous-
ine. eiat the elenrunoe of insamd tary areas together with the provis
hend er this depertment, in roeponeihle to the Coureil for the entire
laced the erection of drollings for rehcunine perndhs and
eollection ef rents, and the exeenton of the recesary repirs. e
ers and wernem of verdone erden mnber
ever 250.
nels, tridgon, eto.iand thirdiy.o 2 proviRicn
1, 19e9, ccoprise
Mante hich is y hare enree
The Couneil has corgloted 6 schenes undertaken by 1ts prodeconnor,
he etropol11an 2card cr erks sd ohe Cm
nentéstme 1n 1teelt the uIelent tam d nthem necon
ty.he Innd elored hns oal ar
17 peIra h een previded. The net coss cf
41 on the Coumetl hen assisted, ty contrib1tine tonrd8 he
and at the beek or the hose. Ouing chierly to the lo price of the
te lot at a ront per roce e 1ew, and scnetinen 1cver than the rent per
for alonring sll irennt tery arens to the extens
an eetim
of the eutatea are stated en or nesr the Couneil's olectric trammy
r about 8 teren, at
who ake ee of the sremy each dny in crder to get te thefr plsces er
Temlncenenta on necgunt or Pu1ie Irprovesente.
In conneetion wi th the onrrying out ef street igrovenents,con
ia ho t renns 11ve e he cenre will nor inte 2h0 btrs
rectton of Trellings.
r po rer
ceciodntion has een pro
Prior to 1889, when he Council cane into ofrice, the Metropoliten
ineant tam on hed nimym enened executive opernticne with the de-
practice wen then to orfer the 1nnd thn prpared
to the varicos artis
zareging the duollings uhdch had to be budlt. he larger mmber cr e
are uroided for t
been provided fer a7,7e0 permor, rurtly br the Peabcdy tees, vho
the dindng roCn cocked and 1eocked focd nay be purchnsed at lou parlcee,
netes my cock their focd. hese lodging housee provide a conforteble
ine and keeping o cn he trovision e
wcrkine elaRn
aneent c
the necesenr 1ing ard this poliey h inee een
Statesent prgarod ty the Clerk of the Tondon Conty Ootneil.
xen sTd the rente to te eharred are not to
eveced th
for the orcing elnsnon enart tron the rbeueine reuid in eonnecticn
nd thu ret ded noeomedatten for 14.731 permone eh 31, 1905.1