G Se a.7
Greenwich House, New York City.
for s settles ent is prinsrily stimlns and enly agoo ndsrily un
institatien. Inatitatienal fontur en ahe ald be under tacen by
or Tort
sottlenant only whon it in impensible for the nettlomant
Incerporst od 1902 for "the ontabltshnent and msintonsnoe
any hody olne te undertske them,"
ef Seeist Settlement er Seeist Setlements in the City of Mee
he essence ef settlenont werk in freoden to mect
Terk, sn centers for neetst, oduostionsl and eirie imprevesents,
1y dereten. ty in 4irrions e with hgh
n in eenjunetion snd sase eistien vith the people
werk han net its plsce snd ratue in nettlement setivities, but 1t
residing in the neighberhoeds where mch Settlenent er Settlenanta
dees mesn thst the inntitution cugh t never te get the ehance
my be situsted.
te strangle the frenh oppertunitien vhieh are eonntantly apringing
up from the so oisl life ofa neigh berheed sueh
The aet-
s curs.
lement in feund ed on
belier that the springs er beuaty of ehsr-
aet er and er the hent deoisl deralopment sre te be feund
initing, neigh herheed we rk, eluba, elasnen, bank statiens
1ives of cur werking peoplo, and that, firm in thst belief, it in
11hrary, secial investigstien, ce-eperstien with ether agenoten,
eur duty and priviloge to verk with them, se te ehange the outer
leesl improvenents
coniitiens er
their lives thst these inner nprings will have a
That in hst the eivie aide of the rerk
chance te develep,
It hss beon the sreved purpese ef the Seeiety fren the
The pepulstien ef eur noth berheed is hoteregeneean; 1srgal
start net te mte er the heme eenter a neiny elubhenne rilled with
Iriah-Anorieun, sat Inerosninely Itslian.. ore are Jerish ahep-
varioun hybrid oduestiensl and sceil setivitios that will rdus1ly
arive out the aimpla heme 1ife, vithout hieh a set tlen an t in devoid
n the main therenghrsres, and there in quite
n adeixture
er Gersana and Preneh.
r thst spirit thst alene eun render it permunent1y useful in the
See ntne renorts and ether publiessions,
noighberheed a atimalas tooard generally inproved eo nitions: